I love Crypto (but it doesn't love me back)

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2 years ago

Before I started in crypto (and that was just a few months back), I'm trying to learn stock trading. I wasn't even good at it yet but I decided to jump ship, thinking crypto is just stocks and forex combined. Boy, I've never been so wrong in my entire life.

Though I and crypto are poles apart, the attraction was very strong (at least on my part). I was head-over-heels in love with its promise of Lamborghinis and all. After all, what's not to love about crypto? Let me count the ways.

  1. 24/7 binge-watch-till-you-drop trading

Where else can you trade non-stop on week's end? Crypto allows you to trade when you want, where you want, how you want. No need to wait for the office to open or for anybody to get online. It's always on, ready to take your money, even if you haven't decided on that part yet.

  1. You can be a millionaire overnight.

Maybe not a real millionaire (not yet at least), but an owner of a million's worth of Mickey Mouse coins. But hey, you never know if it's the next Doge, right? Utterly senseless but valuable. So just keep on buying. You might stumble upon some gold dust.

  1. Gives me the right to daydream.

People invest in crypto with the hope of getting a handsome return. We all have our reasons but I'd like to make this my ticket to an all-star retirement spree. It may or may not come true, but it sure allows me a great deal of wishful thinking right now.

  1. It's entertaining.

People pay a lot of money to go bungee jumping, sky diving, or do all that weird stuff. Get into the crypto bandwagon and you'll get the same thrill, maybe even better. You'll also get hit unconscious with a rug pull or get ecstatic with momentary ballistic mooning. It's the same amount of fun with the same level of risk.

  1. You get stronger.

You know what they say when entering a relationship. Know your limits. Decide on how much pain you can take. I am deeply in love with crypto. But it just can't love me back just yet. I face a heightened level of rejection every day and I get stronger from it. My poker face doesn't wane anymore whenever I see abysmal dips. The heart of stone is starting to pay off.

I just realized that there's nothing I can do to make crypto love me. It will be a really bad case of unrequited love going forward. But you know crypto. It can change its mind in a blink of an eye. Maybe the day it will love me back will come. I just have to be awake when it does.

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Avatar for Theiyya
2 years ago
