The best virtual music project, the Bach fugue

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2 years ago

Music is one of the topics that all mankind consumes the most and at the same time the general population has no notion, and then give their opinion about concepts and topics that they do not understand, people torment themselves comparing artists and criticize many others without having a notion of what is a "Dm" or an "F"; in short, ignorant people who like to talk about what they do not know.

If you are one of them, don't worry, here is the solution, bach's fugue is a project commissioned solely to heal you of your ignorance, and thus appreciate more the music and all that it affects.

You will appreciate much more the songs of your favorite artists, since you will be able to observe them with knowledgeable eyes, making arrangements and details that are not observable to the naked eye, dazzle you after listening to the song again with the eyes of the one who is not ignorant.

In this project we are openly music lovers, so here we do not despise any musical genre, on the contrary, we will give valid points of view in order to understand and understand several of the popular music or of the antiquity that is not to your liking, not to make you change your mind about a genre that you do not like, but to make you understand why this music has value even if you do not like it.

After reading our blog, you will be able to understand and understand a part of the music, and enjoy it even more, because you have to admit it is easier to appreciate the art when you know what the subject is about, that's basically what we will do here, we will give you the key to get out of the prison of ignorance in which YOU were in.

With this in mind, we are not elitist people who pretend to impose their knowledge to the rest, or to say what song is good and what song is bad, but on the contrary, we want to establish a panorama in which anyone can appreciate any music indefinitely of any genre.

On the other hand, he will orientate an obvious way of thinking, but which is sometimes difficult to remember, and that is that art is the reflection of society but society is not the reflection of art, art is manipulated, changed and transformed depending on how society behaves, but art cannot manipulate, change and transform a society.

These and many other thoughts oriented to music will be reflected in this project, so that you can understand much more the beautiful art of music. But before talking about music we must make one thing clear... who are we to talk about music?

Participants of The Bach Fugue project:

Aaron James (a.k.a. Shadow)

Shadow, the voice of the voiceless, the one who shines like the sun.

He is a student of the symphony orchestra of urachiche, Venezuela Yaracuy state, is a writer of several songs of the urban genre, composer, and guitarist, with this in mind, the training that this individual has is more than enough to teach and show various aspects of music, so that you can understand more, not at an academic level, but enough to see your songs and your music, so that you can understand more, not at an academic level, but enough for you to see your songs and your music.

enough for you to see your songs and musical works with a different point of view.

Yeferson Castillo

Yeferson Castillo is a Venezuelan student aspiring programmer, graphic designer and copywriter; with his basic knowledge in the aforementioned jobs, he is chosen for this project as main (image) designer, secondary copywriter, and creative copywriter.

Why did we choose the name Bach's fugue? Fugue is a musical genre in which musical ideas called subjects are superimposed. Bach is a composer of the baroque period, the latter used the technique of composition called fugue, basically the name refers to the fact that we talk about different ideas and subjects (fugue) but which in turn are related to each other, as they enter into the concept of music, the figure of bach we leave in high stigma and honor as one of the greatest composers of our history, for that very reason is the flagship image of this project, since he was a great musical composer, and we want to give you a great and significant knowledge for your life. The subject of the fugue and who is Johann Sebastian Bach will be discussed more in depth in later blogs.

Objectives of Bach's fugue:

1) We will talk in a general way about how the music you listen to works and how it is structured, from the lyrics to the musical composition.

2) We will talk about the history of music and how these events were transcendental for the development of today's music and how we perceive it.

3) You will be taught music theory in a didactic and educational way so that you can understand music in its most basic state and thus appreciate the music you listen to today.

4) In most cases it will be objective and professorial, but at other times it will be subjective and the dialect will be more everyday and vulgar, all so that the reader understands what we are talking about and can generate a respectful debate

5) We will talk about compositions and musical harmony and how they are present in the music you hear.

In short Bach's fugue is a unique and entertaining opportunity to make more accessible the theory of music and all that encompasses this to the average human who lacks this knowledge, thanks to this project, the man and woman of everyday life can understand, understand and appreciate the art behind the language of music and the importance of this fine and sublime art in society, making society more cultured and leaving the ignorance.

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2 years ago
