New Era

0 7

I have become so lazy,

Writing a line is now toxic,

And venomous to my health.

This season isn't too cozy,

Outbreak of Covid-19 now a pandemic,

And dangerous to our health.

Buoyant medical practitioners,

Whose hands are infected,

Put their lives on the line,

To remain the Commandos on the Frontline.

Various organizations donating-

Partially half of their lifetime savings.

To help fight the virus,

So it won't destroy us.

Like an Ebola patient,

I could not scream.

This is the worst I've seen,

No cure and no vaccine.

Let's all stay home,

So we won't spread

The virus and scream.

To stop the spread

Of the killer-virus

Let's follow the trend.

That of personal hygiene.

To stay home and stay safe.

We can help each other.

But do not embrace one another.

And be our brothers keeper!

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