Mobile Legends Background Stories: Layla

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Countless famous inventors may be found in Eruditio, the world's epicenter of research and technical growth. Layla comes from a family of inventors. Layla's parents, on the other hand, had little time for their daughter due to the time-consuming nature of their profession. As a result, she was mostly raised by her ailing grandfather.

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Layla's parents, who were among Eruditio's most accomplished scientists, had always hoped that she would continue to improve her understanding of science and become inventors like them, pioneering new and wonderful scientific and technical advancements. Layla, on the other hand, was uninterested in science. She had little relationship with her parents, especially her father, and developed a personality and hobbies that were completely different from theirs. Rather of focusing on the wonders of science, she looked up to her grandfather, a former member of the Eruditio City Guard, and developed an adventurous spirit and unquenchable sense of justice while under his care.

Layla would regularly practice various fighting methods and discover ways to strengthen her thinking and research skills with the help of her grandfather. Her need for knowledge grew as she grew older, and her yearning to travel beyond her birthplace became so intense that she couldn't contain it. Layla believes that Eruditio's technology should be used to alter the globe, not just help the city and its residents.

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Layla's father, on the other hand, told her that the world outside Eruditio was lawless and dangerous, and that she needed to develop a little more before starting on any type of adventure. However, because of Layla's bitterness and frustration with her inattentive father, this admonition fell on deaf ears. She entirely disregarded him, certain that his lack of support was a means for him to dodge his fatherly responsibilities.

The truth was that Layla's father loved her more than anything else in the universe, and he built a Malefic Gun for her using Eruditio's most advanced Leviathan technology. Layla's father, fearful that Layla would reject any gift he tried to offer her, gave the Malefic Gun to Layla's grandfather, who then gave it to Layla as a gift. What Layla's father didn't realize was that this gift would only increase Layla's desire for adventure.

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Layla stole her Malefic Gun and slipped out of Eruditio under the cover of darkness on her sixteenth birthday to see the vast, wide world.

She ultimately arrived in a secluded city-state in the Moniyan Empire's southwest, where many children had suddenly vanished. She had finally gotten a chance to put her grandfather's fighting and tracking skills to the test. Layla uncovered the gang of criminals who had been kidnapping the city's children after examining the area and following the trail of clues. She followed them all the way to their headquarters, determined to put an end to their evil activities and rescue the innocent children.

But what Layla didn't realize was that they weren't just any kidnappers; they were terrible scientists from Laboratory 1718, who were abducting children for use in their heinous human experiments. Layla broke into the holding chamber with her Malefic Gun, enraged at the sight of the kidnapped children's suffering.

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The battle that followed was far more tough and dangerous than Layla could have anticipated. The Laboratory 1718 operatives spotted the Leviathan technology in Layla's hands in the heat of combat and decided to shift the mission's goal... The kidnapped children were eventually rescued, but Layla was abducted by the bad scientists, who took her Malefic Gun. Layla was imprisoned in a dark dungeon and was abruptly released and returned to Eruditio, just when she had lost all hope.

When she returned to Eruditio, however, she was met with an even greater shock: her father had defected from the Scholars' Union and joined the nefarious Laboratory 1718. All of a sudden, a torrent of blame and responsibility descended upon her. Despite the fact that Layla had never liked her father, she couldn't imagine that her sensible and calm father would join the fanatical Laboratory 1718. Layla became engulfed in a fog of bewilderment, and the only way she could save her sanity was to focus on training and continually study in an attempt to forget about the reality of the circumstance she had found herself in. Layla got older as time passed, and her grandfather reached the end of his life.

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Layla became engulfed in a fog of bewilderment, and the only way she could save her sanity was to focus on training and continually study in an attempt to forget about the reality of the circumstance she had found herself in. Layla got older as time passed, and her grandfather reached the end of his life.

Layla's grandfather told her on his deathbed that Laboratory 1718 had seized her because they recognized the Malefic Gun she wielded, which her father had built for her. When Laboratory 1718 kidnapped Layla, her father had no choice but to assume her place in order to save his beloved daughter. He was kidnapped to a foreign country and compelled to work in Laboratory 1718.

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Before handing himself over, he had the rest of the family vow that they would never tell Layla the truth, so that she may grow up without feeling responsible for his death. Layla now saw the actual depth of her father's love and the motive behind all he had ever done and spoken to her.

She grasped the situation... She grew in strength. Layla went out on her journey to find Laboratory 1718 by the light of the setting sun, picking up the Leviathan rifle prototype her father had left behind.

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