Fortune Cookie Collector

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3 years ago

Not the real thing, but an NFT.

As you know, I've been collecting NFTs lately. I've really enjoyed learning and growing with the WAX blockchain community. From there, I have found the Banano project, the CryptomonKeys, Alieonworlds, rPlanet, WAX Tycoon, and Kolobloks. All of which have allowed me to play around and experiment with collecting and staking NFTs.

Through my journey of learning, I have made a lot of friends and won a lot of free NFTs. Most notable are the airdrops I've been getting from my CryptomonKeys and the Fortune Cookies. Errr... Wait.. Did I just say fortune cookies?

I was gifted a 2021 Fortune Cookie Pack. The generous person who gifted it to me was the same person who got me into the WAX blockchain and world of NFTs. None other than @bm8ter ! A fellow user! I was extremely grateful for the gift and sent all my dupe CryptomonKeys over to him!

Essentially, what this Fortune Cookie does is that it allows you to receive more NFT drops into your WAX wallet just by holding onto the Fortune Cookie NFT. You don't even have to stake it anywhere to earn a reward. It's super passive and super fun to see what type of NFTs you are able to receive just by holding onto a certain card.

I have yet to figure out a system for how the drop is determined and what time the drop is, because so far everything I have seen would point to the events being random. Some days I will get 2 drops, and maybe sometimes I will got 24 hours without a drop. But in the end, I am still getting more cards than I had originally so I cannot complain!

At this point, I do not have much of my own money into my NFT collection. I've been able to collect and earn everything for free or as gifts. Once I am able to collect more WAX tokens though, I plan to spread the wealth back. I just need to make sure I put myself in a good position first.

What do you think? Are you into NFTs? Are you starting to collect them? Do you even know what an NFT is? Let me know below!

Sponsors of TheSnarfy

$ 0.41
$ 0.40 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.01 from @andrianlover
Sponsors of TheSnarfy
Avatar for TheSnarfy
3 years ago
