Men Of Understanding.

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3 years ago

Men Of Understanding.

“from Issachar, men who understood the times and knew what Israel should do—200 chiefs, with all their relatives under their command;”

( 1Chronicles 12:32).


Times and seasons happen to men, in a cyclical resolutions; and knowing what, how, when and the right place, the needful ought to be done, are the key factors that determine great success in life.

Time is both irremediable and irredeemable, which connotes that, if wasted, can never be recovered or reversed.

Therefore, an in-depth understanding of times and seasons, like the Sons of Issachar, is extremely paramount, in achieving great success and fulfilling one’s purpose in life.

But by what means?

"So teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom."

(Psalm 90:12).

The above biblical injunction, is a clarion call to all youths, men and women; to think, evaluate, analyze and examine their lives, to ensure that they are in perfect conformity with God's specific purposes and plans {for them}, by gaining an understanding of times and seasons, to do the needful.

In so doing, making every second count, by engaging in profitable activities, within the boundaries of their individual calling and ministry, because our allotted time on earth is limited.

Moreover, God expect good Returns on Investment (ROI) of the talents, gifts and time given to mankind!

Consider this:

"See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,

Redeeming the time because the days are evil.

Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is."

(Ephesians 5:15-17).


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