You don't need to be an expert in everything. Be an Expert in the Field You Can

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2 years ago

Sulaiman Ar-Rajhi, Elon Musk, Bill Gates, they are just a few of the many billionaires in the world. While Lionel Messi, Cristiano Ronaldo, Muhammad Salah, are just a few of the many world football stars. Muhammad Ahsan, Hendra Setiawan, they are two of the many professional badminton players in Indonesia. Let's think about anyone who is very legendary and professional in their field, there must be a lot of them. They got the title and title, of course, with a long and hard process.

If you pay attention, those whose names I wrote above are very intense in pursuing their respective fields, even after getting professional degrees. From this I can conclude one thing, that to become a great person, successful, and recognized by many people we do not need to be an expert in everything. As great as we are at something, we definitely need other people, we need other 'experts'. After all, after we become professionals in something, people must be proud of us.

Indeed, having more than one skill is good, but if you want to be good at some things, make sure within yourself that no human is perfect.

We are social beings, we are 'experts' to others, and other people are 'experts' to us. Do not just because of the desire to be able to do everything, we ignore social and religious norms, even to the point of harming other people. Of course we don't want something like that to happen, right?

Therefore, it's okay for us to lose to others in something, but we also have to have a side that we can highlight to others, so that we don't completely lose in life, and they don't completely win in life.

Indeed, that's how it should be, we complement each other in this life, like a puzzle, no one puzzle piece can form a pattern or picture. What can form a pattern or picture is a collection of puzzle pieces.

Maybe if we have only a few skills, we will get ridicule from others. That's natural, and if it's natural, it doesn't mean we stop walking, instead use the insult as an encouragement in ourselves to move towards a better direction, and one day we can meet again with the person who insulted us by saying that what he said was not true.

So we don't have to repay the insults. It's okay to be angry, but just hold on to yourself. Because the elegant revenge on them is to break what they say.

So for those of us who are already experts in something, or are currently pursuing a field, continue to be concerned about it, until we can actually do it.

I'm sure that none of our expertise is exactly the same, even though there are many other people in our fields of expertise. Because we are who we are, we are diverse, and we are great at what we are, not great at imitating others.

If we like to write, surely our writing has a different style from other people. If we have the skills to play football, surely the style of play is not exactly the same as other players. Likewise others, surely we are not completely the same as other people.

Because we are different, we must be able to maximize what we have to benefit others. Because being an expert, is not just to get praise, but other people can enjoy your expertise.

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Avatar for TheMonkey
2 years ago
