Getting Small Wins Is The Beginning of Big Wins

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1 year ago

You are born a winner. At least you have won once in your life. That is when you were born in this world. It was your first win. Congratulations, you have succeeded in eliminating millions of other prospective fetuses. You have an opportunity that the potential fetuses don't have, namely life.

Until you finally grow up Become a learner about life. A victory is like a precious thing to you. You are not born into a rich family, you do not have a good support system.

Reality makes you forget that you are a winner. You forgot how to win. In fact, you can be a winner. It's just how you view the essence of the victory.

A victory does not have to be 'wow'. A win doesn't have to make other people praise you, give hundreds of likes or congratulations on your social media pages. A win doesn't have to make you change the world either. Victory is not always synonymous with an abundance of material piles. A victory is still a victory, no matter how small it is. This is where it's important that you change your perspective on winning.

Instead you view victory as a great achievement. Like changing the world, being rich into billionaires, having businesses in various fields.

You can start to change your perspective a little

Today you have done all the work given by your boss. It was a win. You managed to exercise for 30 minutes today, that's a win too. You distribute food to cats around your house. It is also a win. You have managed to resist the temptation of shopping like crazy when you have a beautiful date discount from the market place. Again it was a win. You read five books, congratulations you also won that day.

Without feeling victory will become so familiar in your life. Slowly but surely you start to become a winner by changing your point of view. Because your definition of victory doesn't weigh you down and puts a big burden on your shoulders.

From now on, decide what those little wins are. Even though it looks trivial and doesn't have a big impact, if you do it every day, until it becomes a habit – it will lead you to the gates of bigger wins.

Big wins don't come suddenly, they are the result of a consistent accumulation of small wins. Opportunities will come to those who have the fighting power and endurance. Believe me.

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$ 1.21 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for TheMonkey
1 year ago
