From a failure, I learned a lot about the truth of life

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1 year ago

I do not know how many times I fell on a failure. Be it from the universe or the result of one's own choice. But I keep trying to get up, fall again, get up again. Until I forgot how many times I fell in the same situation. I have experienced many failures, both in terms of family, work, relationships. Even in recognizing who I am and what I want I almost fail.

I believe, the journey of life in this world is not easy. For that I was required not to get tired easily, let alone to give up. It's quite hard to deal with alone, but this is what is called responsibility. No matter how bad the situation is, I have the responsibility to deal with it, not someone else. And I have a stake in my life.

In the initial phase, I might seem unable to deal with it, confused about finding a way out, even feeling that I have no potential to solve all of this. But believe me it's only a temporary response. Because I'm not going to let myself sink too long into a situation that doesn't make me feel comfortable.

I have gone through failure after failure, even though sometimes in the middle of the road I start to want to give up and tired of starting to control myself, but I always believe that there is a victory offered if I am able to get through it. And I want that win. When I was tired and wanted to give up, I made up my mind to walk again.

Indeed, no one wants to experience failure, but are there words of victory and success if we have not tasted the taste of failure? What is the meaning of a success? I always believe that God always sees the efforts of his servant, hears every prayer that his servant makes. That's the reason why I don't want to stop.

From my failures I learned to know the people around me, observe those who are always beside me, embrace me, and hug me to just calm and encourage me. Failure taught me how it feels to get up again asking God in every prayer that never ends. Failure taught me to value the time I have.

With failure I became stronger, more patient in waiting for the result, enjoyed the process, became more courageous. Because I believe, failure will change my life for the better. Which later I will thank myself for being willing to walk and endure this far. I'm grateful to have experienced all of this.

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1 year ago
