My Favorite Video Games of 2019

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4 years ago

For my first post here on, I wanted to do something simple. Something that is simple is sharing my favorite video games that I had experienced over the last year.

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

My first choice, and my game of the year, is Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. Fromsoftware's (Dark Souls, Bloodborn) new action RPG that focuses on a shinobi named Sekiro who must save his master, the young Kiro, from being taken by Genichrio, the head of the Ashina army who was trying to get Kiro's gift of the dragons blood which enabled someone to not die to be used to deal with the imitate threat of Japan's interior ministry. This game has complex combat that focused on learning block timings to break your enemies posture to deal a "deathblow". This game was challenging but rewarding with a fantastic story.

Resident Evil 2: Remake

The remake of Resident Evil 2 was a fantastic rework of the sequel to one of my all time favorite games. It is suspenseful and with great puzzle that require you to think through them and not be afraid to explore every nook and cranny to find the tools you need to overcome them. Defiantly worth checking out if you have never played any of the games before.

Kingdom Hearts 3

The next (and possibly final) installment in one of my favorite video game franchises was released after maybe a decade or more of being promised. Join Sora, Donald, and Goofy (yes, the Donald and Goofy) in another great adventure with epic characters and a powerful story that most likely will bring an end to an amazing series. Fun combat that you expect from the Kingdom Hearts series with added special attacks (can't remember what they were called) that used different themes and included some reference to Disney Park attractions. You also get to explore some of the Disney worlds such as Frozen (which I did not like the movie but the world was fantastic), Pirates of the Caribbean, Tangled, Toy Story (Finally!) and others.

Code Vien

When you think of Code Vien, think Dark Souls but anime with all the things you expect from anime. This game is dark, a post apocalyptic civilization that bread a new breed of humans called Revenants that live off of human blood and the world being in short supply has caused conflict among those who are trying to survive. Fantastic combat and interesting bosses, also with great characters and fun weapons makes it a great RPG style game.

Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order

With Rise of Skywalker being meh except with a pretty good ending, Jedi: Fallen Order filled the void that EA games has brought to good Star Wars theme games since the remakes of Battlefront and Battlefront 2 were a snore. Following Cal Kestis, you try to locate a holocron with a list of all the force sensitive children in the universe that could be key to restoring the Jedi Order just 5 years after the infamous Order 66 was given. The combat in this game is fun and the characters and story is great but the ending was a little lame but since this happens before the original trilogy, you can guess what happens but how you expect it to be carried out is not how they decided to keep the game canonical with the rest of the movies.

Hope you check these games out if you have not and let me know what games you enjoyed in 2019! Looking forward to see what is released in the next year.

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Avatar for TheHatGuyKyle
4 years ago


Of these I've only played Kingdom Hearts 3. I follow the series and this one looked beautiful and all, but I can't say the worlds were implemented well. And that's just one of the many unnecessary flaws.

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3 years ago