Meet The Pinkies !

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Written by
2 years ago

Came back from a long gap here , I hope many of you have forgotten me , c'mon it's time to remember about me . I think I lost my edge over writing long posts but I believe in a week I will be good to go in readcash also . Don't worry the posts will be very long to read after this. Just checking some few things before going all-out .

Now to our main Topic .

Meet the Common ' Zinnia ' flowers , lol I only met them for the first time don't remember where though .

Oh sorry now writing here in readcash I remembered that I took this shot on some random travel with my friend , It was in some government office and in it's garden there were lots of Zinnias. And I went there approx three days ago , see how much I forget things easily , gotta eat lots of peanuts to increase my memory power .

This flower is a very interesting one and you may found it in lots of cool and amazing visiting places which are available for public visit .

• As these flowers bloom like that almost annually yes annually, such hardworking and unique they are .

They are not only in Pink Color , they can be in red , yellow etc . Wow Isn't that great .

• I am a curious guy so I asked the mean guard there about this flower and he told me that actually he is the gardener and guard of that garden wow such a nice combo , respect Man ! He said it's highly adored by butterflies,also highly popular amongst gardeners due to their wide variety of plant heights , flower sizes, forms and colors .

Also Don't they look similar to Marigold ? To me they look like that but some were different looking also , like the sunflower type hehe . Beautiful things really look very similar to each other .

I was so excited to touch them ah my innocent mind but I didn't as there was a Big Board with ' Don't Touch Or Pluck Them ' also there was a mean looking guard nearby constantly checking on me as I was trying to take macro shots of it and was getting too close to the fence , sadly I didn't got any as flowers were too far from me and he would have pouted angrily towards me and I didn't wanted any fake drama there haha, but when he moved his head to other side , I touched it. They were so soft .

What I am not a bad guy Ok !

Now that I remember these flowers are very common here , they were in my college and even in my friends college , also where I went for driving test aha Small world yeah . Sometimes you become so busy with life that you don't notice beautiful things around you Lol .

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Written by
2 years ago


Once I have bought these seeds from very far away a city but they didn't grow in my garden I think they were expire and I have to regret on my investment including many of the others herb seed

$ 0.00
2 years ago

You are right. The pace of life we lead makes us not detail the simple things in life. We miss the wonders we have around us. Very thoughtful thoughts.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I love Zinnias I actually grow them in my yard :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago