Patience and Time

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2 years ago
Topics: Patience, Timing, Virtues


Patience: The most important of the virtues, because it makes others possible.

-Leonardo da Vinci

Patience and Time are two most powerful warriors are patience and time. The more time you have, the less patience you will need. Time is life. The more you wait, the better chance something will happen. Do not waste your time waiting for people to say yes. Most of the time, people will say no, or maybe, and even when they say yes, it’s not a guarantee. When it comes to patience and time, anytime is the right time.

You can never be late for something that has not yet begun. You should relax and enjoy the process. If you don’t give up and follow your instincts, you will be okay. Patience and time will allow you the chance to achieve your goal – regardless of whether it’s being an entrepreneur or climbing a mountain. Some things take more time than others to build and may demand substantial patience while they are taking shape in front of you.

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Patience is a virtue people don't always have. They want answers now - this moment. They don't have time for you to figure things out, sure enough to send them the latest update, or give an accurate prediction.

What I've learnt is that patience and timing are why I'm still in going on in life today.

Patience and time are our two most powerful warriors. They do not require money to assist them in the fight. They wait until the right moment then spring into action.

Time is our best teacher, but unfortunately it kills all its students. When I was young I thought that money was the most important thing in life now that I am old, I know what it is.

Life is going to deal you some cards and no matter what hand you are dealt, you must play with dignity and respect for your fellow man and woman.

Patience and Time are undefeated and meet all who challenge them with courage and strength. They take care of you in your times of need or uncertainty. Use their power wisely, for they have no compassion for those who do not deserve a second chance.

Patient people don't get angry quickly; they don't have to. They know that the coolest head will win. They know that success requires time, so they give it time.

Patience and time are part of the discipline of a champion's life.

Planning well ahead is one way to have patience and time. The champion who dreams big dreams but then takes the time to prepare for those dreams has patience and time. The champion who knows that setbacks won't keep him from his goal has patience and time. He also has faith, faith that he can accomplish his goals in God's timing.

All great things come to he who waits.

The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.

One is a good thing to have on your side. …

Patience and time will solve any problem, or aid in solving it.

It takes time. You've got to be patient.

Life is tough. It takes time. You've got to be patient.

It takes time. You've got to be patient.

Patience creates success for anyone who waits. It is the companion of wisdom and good judgment. Patience aids in timing when it is most critical to be precise. It is the mother of skills, the father of actions and the creator of accomplishment.

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2 years ago
Topics: Patience, Timing, Virtues


We must be patient while waiting for time and must be strong to stand with time.

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2 years ago