Where is the Evil Spirit that steals my money? !!!

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2 years ago
Topics: Money, Sapa, Management

My money finishes quickly what could be the cause? could there be an evil spirit stealing my money? have you not noticed how money flies quickly? how can this spirit be avoided in 2022?

Financial intelligence is termed difficult and most times not taught in schools. and this has plagued so many people. There are so many principles practiced by the wealthy but we think the opposite and this is why money flies away. We end up thinking we are cursed or have some spirits stealing the money. I say this respecting the fact that there are extreme cases but let us stop pushing the responsibility of a problem to external factors. I have noticed that until we see a need for change in ourselves, we will keep falling in such cycles and some people might conclude that it is their fate not knowing that they are avoiding the reality of the issue which can only be seen when we fix ourselves as the epicenter or active contributors to the problem.

The truth is there is actually no external evil spirit but there is one internal !!! hahaha! it is lack of financial education. I will list a few but you can go online to get more.

  • Money is to saved and invested

  • Money flows

  • There is never enough money

In no particular order, I will explain the above. These are well known, I am only re-emphasizing their importance.

Money must be saved no matter how small!!! when you start saving, the amount is insignificant but the saving culture must be learnt! Then use the saved money to do something which will bring in more money. I remember as a child growing up, I would make a paper wallet and stuff some money in it everyday but at the end of the week or two weeks later, I will take a stroll to the toy or candy shop and finish the money, then I am back to where I started. If what I got would help bring more money or make me very efficient, it would be a bonus but nobody taught me as a child! I had to become a teenager first before understanding this about money. Don't save money and spend it unnecessarily, even you do so ask yourself - "was it worth it?"

Secondly, Money flows!!! money is like a fluid. If you bought something with money, someone gained it, if you lost money in crypto ,forex etc. someone, some company gained it. It acts like a seesaw! money is more than just papers! It is like a fluid. Money must always flow, hence keeping money in the bank without reason is the worst attitude towards money. The more you leave money in the bank, it looses value except you invest it. If you are saving it to invest that is cool but keeping money idle is eww!

Lastly, there is never *Enough money. This means there will always be something to do with money so why are we bothered about saving? even if you spend the one you have, situations will always come up that require money as an answer! I learnt saving by investing money and locking up the returns. It was pretty hard because I was usually faced with an empty account most times but this affected me greatly. It pushed me to start reasoning from scratch as though I never had cash anywhere.

Learn budgeting!!! learn to save!!! learn to spend!

Spend on needs not wants, we cannot eat our cakes and still have them!!!

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$ 0.09 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for ThatRealGuy
2 years ago
Topics: Money, Sapa, Management


Growing up I had a box that I safe throughout the year at the end I just buy something that won't last,"Spend on needs not wants, we cannot eat our cakes and still have them!!!

$ 0.00
2 years ago


$ 0.00
2 years ago