Free Time??

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Hai, good day guys.
Most of us have more free time these covid-19 days. Some post I've read  was about their boredoms. So they do something just to make them busy. I saw the tV commercial on how to be busy but productive. People spend much their time on watching tv, chatting, and playing..However, how would we use our precious time into something useful recreation? I have some tips for you guys and I hope it will work to help you😊

  This eco-friendly activity will help not just you but also the nature. Aside from using the time wisely, if you plant now you probably  reap what you sow. This could  serves as our everyday's vian; and will less our  expenses. This is an effective activity to rural areas where they have  land to plant different vegetables. However, because of  difference in places, Urban area is not that good to make a gardening. I've been there for years and unlike Rural areas it wasn't easy to make this first suggestion. Don't be disappointed,you can make ways if you really want. Think about these: Do you have a used plastic bottle of softdrinks in your home? Or used plastic bags? Or sacks? Or any recyclable material that could be use as plot(where plants are planted). Just make a hole(just little) to leaks the water out. Then you can put soil in it and seeds..Just take care it as wherelike baby..(with love😍)-water,sunlight and dig the soil.

Yeah, You may think it need to take more effort but it will help. Planting was proven as a relaxing activity and recommended by doctors when someone is suffering from depression, sadness or illness. To you, young ones , It will help us be productive and be healthy. Have you wondered why did I say that it will help to be " healthy"? Look! If we always order for a delivery food: Are we sure the food is clean? Or how does it prepared?(I'm not saying not to order but not often) As we plant the vegetables(any variant depend to planting space)we are sure if it is clean, or non-herbacide .

        This sounds: Oh! As usual and tiring.
Yeah! It's true ..Are you agree with me guys ,that there is no not tiring work? All work are tiring even sitting all day. So if sitting will make us tired,why not do washing? Its also tiring.. Busy but not productive is equal to Busy but productive.Both are tiring work. So the point is, As were inside home, Wanna do washing(clothes,dishes), cleaning,and  sweeping? Specially, teenagers or workers that spend most of their time in school and work, Its your time to try this😊now in quarantine days.

These are the non-transparent advantage of doing household chores: CLEAN HOUSE-if your house is clean there is no more chance for virus to stay. Visitor will never hesitate to drink😂 with you
ORGANIZE- this is the most easily notice part. If your house is organized, people will think you the same. They would trust you in work and any important things.
WELL TRAINED- you will be trained to manage and shoulder responsibilities.
SKILLED- not all know how to do household chores, and you're great if you know to do that. Most employers look for an applicant who has skills , you have the big chance to be hired.
TALENT- finally you have the talent😁 to do household chores. This is very rare talent that not everyone could have.

So? How was reading?Hhmmmp. I think you will start it right away haha. And I want to congratulate you for being industrious on that matter.. Keep up.

   Maybe, most of you will say : That's only for holy people.
Others may say: I'd never tried to read, its boring.
Yeah! I understand. As Human we want funs all the time, and its nice to be happy all the time. Are you happy now? I hope so, my dear reader. But have you think about other people of how do they feel now? You may agree with me, that some are feeling depress and starving this time. Some people, specially the rich are making ways to help them by sending relief goods. Other send money, medical assistance and etc. On the other hand, there are people who want to help but nothing aside of their living.
Are you one of them? If so, you're not alone. But we can help in other ways. Material things are good and needed this time, but encouragement is more needed . How would we encourage others if we are also feel empty? Bible can help us cope our problem.. It won't take away our problems but it will help us to carry and still feel happy. Have you tried to read it before? Specially in book of proverbs more on advises. Maybe our friends are good problem advisers but the advises written in bible is the best. It's teachings were really useful in these hard times.. Yeah! We want funs but its better if it would be happiness.

Thank you so much ,Readers. May these several suggestions would help you to use your time wisely. That's what I did, no doubt that it is effective.. I hope  a curve in your face may form that shows your feelings of happiness.
Thank you and once again -this is A WRITER who has nothing but SELF- STEEM😊

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Wow. Very nice article. Thanks for sharing this. Hope you post more articles like this. This is very inspiring and informative. Kudos to you and more articles to come hehehehe

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4 years ago


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User's avatar Win
3 years ago

You may think it need to take more effort but it will help. it's a amazing story.

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4 years ago

Thanks a lot😍

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4 years ago