You were mine then, now and ever (III)

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Love story, Story

She could not explain. And she looks at Gino as a chick compared to Nick like an eagle.
She was in such a state of mind when a woman approached Nick. It is sexy in red mini-skirt. Short hair and white.

"Gino, who is that woman?" The red one approached Aunt Claire's brother."
"Melisa, that's Daddy's secretary. Why?"
"No, new face ..." he replied without taking his eyes off the two.

"You don't stay here with us. They live in the town. His parents own the pharmacy near the municipality. Their house is in the back." And he grabbed the girl.

"Gino, I'm running out of oxygen ..." she joked. "Mouth to mouth resuscitation, you want? Its eyes are staring at her.

"Gino!" "I missed you, Jess ... there many women ... but there was only you ..." That voice was serious.

Jessica took a deep breath. "Do not rekindle an old dying flame, Gino ..." The girl also answered seriously and glanced again at Nick's location.

The music was in the middle when Jessica saw the woman pull Nick in the middle of the hall. The living room of the big house is not very big, only a few people are dancing so the two of them are not far away.

"How Nick is related to Melisa, Gino? She asked again. "The news that the two are lovers. Those two are often seen together and Nick goes to Melisa's house in town." The young man loosened his grip on Jessica and looked at her. "Why the curiosity Jess? Don't you say you have a crush on Nick?"

"And if there is?" Jessica asked  Challenging to Gino.
"Then forget it.
Knowing Melisa, she does not allow anyone to take her property. Also, he is too old for you. We are the better thing, Jess, "Gino replied irritably. And after saying that he grabbed her again.

Jessica was speechless.
She glanced at the two dancers who were almost hugging. It was something had touched her chest and she seemed to be hurt.
She was just surprised when Gino gave her a damping kiss on the lips.
"I still love you, Jess ..."

Jessica was about to ignore that when she and Nick raised their eyes.
There was no expression on his face though and just stared at him.
She blushed.
"Don't do that again, Gino!" she said softly but angrily.

"Okay, love. Not here with many people, maybe we can find some private place. Let's have a swing in the back." And it pulled her away from the hall.

Even though the girl did not want to obey, she did not do it without them being able to attract attention. Gino held her hand tightly and she reluctantly obeyed.

He took her to the back of the big house. From the crowd it is covered with lush vegetation and trees. From there you can see the sea which is also seventy meters away. There was a big swing as old as the two of them.

This part of Jessica's yard is private and it's Gino's childhood.
"We should not leave there, Gino. Our parents will surely look for us ..." she said annoyed.

"Jess, no one is looking for us. All attention is on newlyweds, so we are free."
Jessica sit on the swing. Gino followed and immediately hugged and kissed his neck.

"Oh, how I miss you, Jess. Why don't you answer my letters to you?" Jessica rolled her eyes looking up. She did not know if she would be angry or happy with the young man.

"Stop what you're doing, Gino,
Please ...."
Don't be killjoy, Jess. We used to do this. And it continued to kiss Jessica.
Jess, on the other hand, avoids her face so that Gino's kisses do not touch her lips.

"You might forget that we broke up during the semester vacation ..." she replied. "I've finished all of us, right?
If there is one thing I hate is a two-timer!" Last semester break she caught it inside the movie with someone else.

"You did not allow me to explain," the young man protested. "And I didn't agree for us to break up, Alright, I made a mistake once ... can't you give me a second chance?" Gino was serious and he was not aware that he had uttered a line of song.

Jessica laughed out loud.
"Your corny!".
The young man blushed. "I can't believe you're laughing at me, Jess ..." his voice was angry.

Jessica formalized. "I'm sorry, Gino.
I can say I'm very unforgiving when it comes to cheating. But then, we can still be the best of friends, right?".
And she tried to escape the young man's embrace.

"And then maybe we made a mistake, then.
It's just that we are really brothers, let's not spoil it".
She added without Gino answering. "Oh no! I don't want you as my sister, Jess. I want you to be my girl." And he kissed Jessica again. On the face, on the neck and on the shoulders.

"Stop it, Gino. What!"
There's a noise coming at the back so Jessica released from the embrace of her ex-boyfriend.
Together they looked at the source of the noise. Jessica was shocked to see Nick standing nearby.

His eyebrows met for a moment but the blank expression on his face suddenly returned.
"Your dad is looking for you!" he looked straight at Jess. The eyes seemed challenging. Then he turned away.

The girl could not find anything to say.
What was Nick thinking about he saw?
Nick took a some step when he turned to look at them again.
His voice seemed sarcastic and turned away continuously.

The two were left looking at each other.
Gino spoke first. "I'm sorry, Jess ..... He get the handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the sweat off his forehead.

"You should be!" Jessica replied.
"I'm sorry for kissing you! I apologize for seeing you ..." Gino corrected.

Let's clarify this, Gino. Let us just be friends or nothing at all. "Jessica's voice was challenging.
There is the finality of what is being said.
When the young man did not move and just kept staring at her she stood up to leave it. He immediately grabbed her arm.
"Don't be cross, Jess ..." Jessica removed the young man's hand from her arm and stepped away. "Alright ... Friends!". Gino chased in a sad voice.

The girl turned around. She stared at him for a moment before smiling and reaching for Gino's hand.
"Friends ...." she said to the boy.

ONE week later she did not see Nick.
But when she hears a conversation with his dad and his stepmother, it is often at the hacienda.
Nick reports to Philip on any problems related to hacienda activities.
That afternoon her dad talked to Gino.

"Hija Gino wants to horseback riding ," Philip said.
"Go to the stable and ask Berto for the horses you can use.

The two headed to the stable together.
Mang Berto rode two horses for them to use.
Jessica was just about to get on her horse when she noticed the man and the black horse at the end of the stable.

"That's what you saddle for me, Manong Berto,"
She pointed at what she saw.
The old man shook quickly. "Oh, Jessica that is not possible and your dad and Nick will scold me," Manong Berto replied.
"Why?" And Jess approached the horse followed by Gino.
"Wow!" Stallion! "The young man whistled at the same time caressing the horse's head.

"That horse is for breeding.
Only Nick can ride there. Even Philip has already fallen for that," the old man explained.
Jessica was curious when she heard that Nick was the boss, right?
Come on Black beauty ... you are what I want! "

If Jessica forced the old man, Gino still would not understand.
He just shook when the girl got on the horse.

"I wish I could own a horse like that .." Gino sighed.
The girl gently tapped the horse. "Easy ... ask your dad ...."
"I don't know Daddy why politics is inclined," Gino replied sadly. "Well, someone else manages our farm. If I am the one to follow, I will choose the farm.
In a way, I envy Nick ... what he does is what I want."
"Don't despair. You'll have your time,"
Jessica replied. He knew that Gino's daddy wanted him to follow in the old man's footsteps.

It shapes the child in politics which the young man dominates.
"Come on, let's race. Go up to the mouth of the river," the girl challenged.

"The fight is not fair, Jess. Apart from being a good rider, that stallion will only inherit this horse," Gino replied, although he was complaining and felt a thrill.

"Oh, all right ...
Go ahead until there is a mango  ...." And pointed to the big tree you are inclined to on the road which is probably fifty meters away from where they are. "When you get there I'll run later."

"Fair enough," the young man agreed with a smile and quickly ran his horse.

When Jessica saw that he had reached the end of the mango, she quickly grabbed her horse.
They were both shocked when Jessica caught up with Gino. The girl was very happy with the performance of the horse she was riding.

On the other side of the hacienda Nick was talking to one of the hacienda stewards. "Do you think Mang delfin will end the fall of the coconut tomorrow? he asked while holding the walkie-talkie.

"I guess, Nick. This part is just unfinished," Mang Delfin replied.

"Good then," and focused on the falling coconut through the long bamboo with a sickle at the end.
He also contacts the other hacienda on the radio. "I'll go home first, Mang Delfin and I'll look at the other side."

Nick was about to turn around when the young man noticed that the young man was not paying attention. He followed the direction set by Mang Delfin's eyes.

From where he stood, Nick's eyes widened as Jessica passed by. The color on the young man's face almost faded when he saw the horse the girl was riding.

"She rode the bull!"
Yeah! Nick ... "Mang Delfin replied. And before Mang Delfin could move, Nick got on the horse. It will not catch Jessica if it chases on the regular route. A mixture of anger and concern engulfed the young man's face.
Meanwhile, Jessica tries to stop the horse because she and Gino are too far apart.
"Ho ... ho!"

To be continue......

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Love story, Story
