My Pregnancy Journey

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Journey, Pregnancy, Love

At the age of 26 and my husband is 28 years old we decided to have a child. That was June 1, 2020. Two months later wish granted from the Lord. I got pregnant. Take note that I have been pregnant for two (2) months before we know it. It was a very happy day for me and my husband when we found out that I was pregnant.

I feel a mixture of joy and fear. This is contrary to how my husband feels. I'm happy because the Lord gave our prayer right away And I'm afraid because I had doubts in myself and I have many questions like am I ready to be a mother? Are we ready for this huge responsibility? Those are just a few of my questions. However Whatever it takes the fight must goes on.

Because of this pandemic we decided to semi-private lying in for my pre-natal check-up. Many say why we don't do prenatal check -ups at the public hospital so that we can save money. But for us there is no problem, first of all, everything is change because of covid 19 its hard to go to the public hospital and secondly because we are first timers we want the best for my pregnancy.

Fast forward after we found out I was pregnant I also started the pre-natal check-up. And the Midwife says my baby is healthy. They gave me many prescriptions for my vitamins. All of that I followed for my baby. My so -called conception "paglilihi" also began. I can't eat well if I eat I will vomit it too. Sometimes I ate only one biscuit but too much water. From the time we found out that I was pregnant until 4 months before I could eat well and eat what I wanted.

Many people say that Im having a baby girl because I do not look different or ugly. I'm very happy because I really want a girl because I'm the only woman in my family. Contrary to my husband's wishes, he wanted a boy. Well, what the Lord has given we will accept it. Having a child is a great blessing from the Lord.

As a first timer, every time I check-up, they give me a prescription for vitamins that I should buy and labs that should be done for me and my baby. We followed all the advices of the Doctor and Midwife. We have a lot of trust in the Doctor and Midwife in that semi private lying in.

It's been seven (7) months since we found out the gender of our son and it's a boy. We feel so happy especially with my husband. It is a healthy baby boy. Even if I want a baby girl, I am also happy because my child is healthy, a proof that I did everything I could to make my child healthy.

Since I found out I was pregnant I avoided unhealthy foods like junk food and soft drinks. I always play music for my baby before I go to sleep and when I wake up and I feel like my baby is very active inside my womb.

Seven (7) to nine (9) months I start my diet. I'm always staving. I want to eat alot of food but I stop because I don't want my baby to grow to much in inside my womb. When the baby grows in the womb, I have a tendency to have Cesarean Delivery (CS) in which I don't want that. I want Normal delivery to save less.

The time has come for me to give birth because I'm already 37 weeks anytime I can give birth because I'm full term already. Midwife's advice every week is my pre-natal check up. At 37 weeks my midwife started to IE. IE means Internal Examination it is done to know if the cervix of a pregnant woman is open. At that time I was 1 cm. I'm very happy because the Midwife said I can give birth anytime so I'll start walking and exercising.

This picture shows going up and down the stairs is one way of my exercise.

After two weeks and five days, I was worried because I was in stock at 2cm. I do all like, exercise and eat some pineapples but still 2 cm so my Midwife decide that I'll have an ultrasound again. That Ultrasound is called BPS ultrasound which will determine the height and weight of baby and her condition inside my womb. I was very sad because the result came out with 3.9 kilos which he is too big. So I immediately went to lying in to show the Doctor and Midwife the result. We were so sad when the Doctor said I needed to have a Cesarean Delivery right away. To keep me and my baby safe. The lying in won't accept me because my baby is big even if the result of the ultrasound is estimated. We were so comfortable to have a Normal delivery but I ended up with Emergency Cesarean Delivery.

I feel worried at that time first , we don't enough money secondly,our parents are far from us. Who would take care of me when my husband went to work. Our neighbor advised us to have a second opinion with another Doctor but he still offered Cesarean Delivery. I cried and cried at that time because we don't know what to do. We decided to call our parents and they said that we should just agreed what the doctor says to have a Cesarean Delivery so that my baby and I would be safe. I don't know how I felt at those times we didn't have enough money but God is merciful and always listens to us. My sister-in-law called. She said my Mother In-law will give some money and we with my husband have a savings I'm because of the platform that's what we'll use for my operation.

Actually, I was nervous at first because I was afraid of blood, even if a little blood I'm scared but now I will have a major operation.

At first I was scared but when I think about what might happen to my child I get even more courage.

Until the time of my operation came and we thanked the Lord that my son and I were safe. Im having a healthy boy baby.

This picture taken at Saint Jude hospital last April 12,2021.

Lesson: Always prepare yourself for whatever happens. And always remember that the Lord is always there for us. Pray and always trust in HIM.

Special Thanks to my Mother In-law and to my parents who helped us financially, on the platform we have accumulated some of the money for my operation and most specially to Almighty God.

Thank you for reading and Godbless!

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Written by
2 years ago
Topics: Journey, Pregnancy, Love
