Introvert Problems

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3 years ago

Hi guys! This is my first article and yes I'm introvert. I face many problems that I constantly battling alone, everyday of my life and it's very challenging. In this artice I will list the five problems that I'm facing everyday.

  1. Social Interaction

    Being an itrovert, it's really hard for me to interact with other people. I'm too shy and uncomfortable I usually don't know how to act and socialize. Above all I am not a fan of small talk's and my energy will be drained if I will spend a lot of time outside, interacting with strangers even family are too much. How about you? Are you feeling the same thing as mine?

  2. Sleep

    For me, having a busy day at work or just even small talks can be exhausting and draining. It's not unusual for me to get tired at the end of the day and will have mental fatigued. That is the very reason I need to get rest and to sleep more to recharge my senses. If I don't get enough sleep, every little things will irritate and annoys me. It will feel like hell.

  3. Overanalyzing things

    I notice a lot of little things that other people miss. For example when we talk, I will notice the tone of your voice, the way you roll your eye, if your looking at me or not when I ask a question. I will try to over analyze our interaction. I will try to see if your upset, are you being honest with me or are you hiding something. This thing is very agonizing and it will not come off in my mind easily which will lead to exhaustion.

  4. Emotional

    I can highly absorb the feelings of other people. When you talk to me and your sad and down, I will feel sad too even though my day was fine. I will literally start to feel it, I can absorb all the negative energy around me so easily. Being an introvert itself is so draining, but to carry the burden and negativity of others along with my own emotion is too much, very exhausting.

  5. Time pressure

    It really stress me out when I needed to do something quickly. Even running late at work can leave me a feeling of exhaustion. It will really affect me more than others.

Are you feeling the same thing too? Can you relate to the five problems that I listed? If so, your a highly sensitive introvert like me.

I hope you like my article.

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$ 0.06 from @Telesfor
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Written by
3 years ago


Welcome, I can empathize. I feel the same. I think a lot of people feel the same way we do. I don't think it's bad, just a little exhausting sometimes.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to read my article. Yes, it's exhausting and challenging but we can carry on.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

When I check the list, there are some things that I sometimes do. However, I don't think that I am introvert. From time to time, I want to be alone and stay with just myself. I recommend it for everyone :) Great post, thank your @Terry

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Thank you for taking the time to read my article. I hope you have a good day!

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3 years ago