Remember Remember to power up in November

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1 year ago
Topics: Hive, Powerup, HPUD, Crypto, Growth

Remember Remember to Power Up for November hivepud

Okay, Okay I borrowed that from the big event that happens in the UK in November.

Remember Remember the 5th of November ...

Yes bonfire night or more correctly Guy Fawkes night is 5th of November. As it falls on a Saturday this year I am sure there will be some tasty bonfires and fireworks.

You like my GM:FRENS NFTs?

I find it ironic that we celebrate failure in the UK with such gusto. Some of you might know of Guy Fawkes without knowing. The masks that anonymous wear are called Guy Fawkes.

If you didn't know he was the leader of the foiled gunpowder plot by some Catholics to blow up the Houses Of Parliament in London in 1605 and assassinate the king James.

As a kid, I used to go guysing, you make an effigy of Guy Fawkes, dress him up, put him in a wheelbarrow, and go wheeling him around with a bucket.

Penny for A Guy is what it used to be called. Now of course, the commercialism of America has won and it is all about Halloween and Trick or Treat and more plastic crap to end up in the landfills or worse still the oceans and fnck the wildlife and planet.

Rant over, but speaking of fire, I will need to be on fire in November, I shall tell you why in a wee bit but first ... Power Up time!

Today I powered up 10 HIVE, this is the 11th consecutive month that I have participated in Hive Power Up Day, suffice to say I am pretty chuffed about that!

My power Up gave me this total.

I now am on 2245 HP, considering I started my first hivePUD in January with 11HP this is massive for me!

Onwards and upwards people and power up baby!

I know most of you know all bout the who why and what of powering up Hive, but for those that don't, then I suggest you go and read this post from the HivePowerUpQueen traciyork. It has all you need to know, and details of how you can win prizes!

I love numbers and coincidences... do you too?

Today is 1st of November or 111, and did you see my Account Value with 111 , I mean how spooky 👻 is that!

I mentioned earlier that I would need to be on 🔥 fire 🔥 in November...

This is because November is on Hive is

- Hive Blog Posting Month (aka #HiveBloPoMo)


- National Podcast Post Month (aka #NaPodPoMo)

I think I might try to do one blog daily on Read!

I will be making a separate post about this, but if you are interested here is my 1 minute trailer for you to listen to!

Well just goto ...

.... hit play and let me know what you think...

### Or catch it on 👉 [spotify]( 👈

I will launch it later on today November 1st.

Anyways, coffee and a podcast recording are calling

Have a great November and thanks for reading!


1st November 2022

$ 2.00
$ 1.83 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.10 from @fantagira
$ 0.05 from @Olasquare
+ 2
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Avatar for TengoLoTodo
1 year ago
Topics: Hive, Powerup, HPUD, Crypto, Growth


I missed your quirky, fun writing style here Ed! I'll miss the fireworks on the 5th, as still in Europe then. I will no doubt join in the next PUD, it is exciting to read all about it. I love the numbers 'coincidences' too 😁

Great idea with the podcast! You sound so blissfully British 😁

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Yes it is a great place here just to blitz what you want straight from quirky brain to paper so to speak without thinking unlike the H place. Yeah numbers numbers the coincidences are everywhere! You are doing fantastic on Hive already! You will be up there zooming past people in no time.

the podcast well it is a challenge, just for fun but who knows what happen with this blissfully British thing 😁

$ 0.01
1 year ago

So how is H different in that respect? Can you not say what you want and just let things flow?

I took the journey there seriously. I ask many questions, read many tutorials of what to do and not do and of course writing here for over a year also taught me a thing or two. Looks like interaction is very valued there. Although I feel like I might have missed out by not starting earlier, I know now it a good time, because I'm ready and I'm hungry for new experiences. I'm not sure how am I doing, as I have nobody to compare to, but older users like you, Eli and FarmGirl can judge this and steer me in the right direction, which is a great advantage to have.

PS. I just got myself a pair of ice-skates 😅😅😅

$ 0.00
1 year ago

This is indeed massive, Partner and that's a remarkable feat. You keep growing it little by little and it's moving fast. I hope to be able to do that more too. I need that consistency too. Well done partner and happy new month.

$ 0.01
1 year ago

Thanks Ola, it is a fluffing struggle, but that also makes it fun when the account does grow in little bursts partner:) Happy November, I see you with winter clothes on, hehe it is not even cold yet;) Enjoy

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Hahahaha I'm easing into the winter already and I'm bracing up for it already. The rain sometimes make me wear that. I want to believe I would cope when it comes hahahahaha. Don't scare me, partner hahaha.

Hopefully when I have balanced more, I would focus on powering up too and leave my Hive earnings there.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Well I don't what the weather will be like, it is usually mild where I am, we rarely have snow for example, but who knows partner!

$ 0.00
1 year ago

I want to experience the snow at least but I doubt snow falls in Derby.

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Thank you Partner, for this. Wow...27th November last year. Oh well... Yaaaaay...

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Happy Power Up Day, I have also joined this day, Power Up!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

oh wonderful, Happy PUD :)

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Wow ,10hive for power up day sir👏👏 I also power up my hive balance but it did'nt even reach 1 hive😂I don't have some hive balance anymore ,I already widthrawn it for my needs 😂

$ 0.01
1 year ago

okay well I followed you in what is your hive name ?

$ 0.00
1 year ago

Great work Ed. Happy Power Up Day!

$ 0.01
1 year ago

hehe Happy Power Up Day Steve!

$ 0.00
1 year ago