BCH and football, it's coming home is there a link?

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3 years ago

Firstly when I say football I mean Association Football or soccer ⚽.

Hello readers, are you BCH crazy, football crazy or both like me?

International football is having a ballfest at the moment. The Euros are being played in Europe at the moment ( has an awesome game if you want to be involved ) and in South America there is the Copa America.

Just like in football, there are winners and losers in the cryptoworld. It is not an easy ride being either a football or crypto trader or both especially if your supposed team is Scotland (I mean they are just the worst, although did get a goal and a point in this Euros competition which did surprise me).

Football what is it?

The correct term for football is Association Football, although some readers are more familiar with the term soccer. What do you call it readers, football or soccer?

For simplicity I will now refer to Association Football as football. Football as we know it started with various local English football clubs trying to standardize all the different sets of rules into one common set. This led to the formation in London, in 1863 of the Football Association.

This is why the English believe they invented the game. Football has been played at the Olympics since the second games in 1900.

Football's coming home

Every time that England play in the World Cup or The European Championships, their fans think they will win it. They did the World Cup in 1966 on home soil, but their record in International Tournaments is pretty awful, yes they qualify but they never win it.

England play with three lions on their crest and in 1996 a single was released called "Three Lions (Football's Coming Home" to celebrate England hosting that year's European Championships.

There you see the three lions to which I refer to . https://pixabay.com/photos/england-flag-country-nation-1485157/

Did England win it? Well of course not, they lost 🤣

Now then, with England playing at home in these 2020 European Championships, they think they will win again and I keep hearing this song and the chorus of Football's coming home got me thinking.

What is BCH

BCH or Bitcoin Cash was born on 1st August 2017. The developers of Bitcoin-ABC initiated a hard fork of the Bitcoin blockchain to increase the block size and this was called Bitcoin Cash.

What did that result in?

The Bitcoin Cash fork or upgrade really made Bitcoin usable as cash again. The Transaction fees are low, the transaction times are fast, and the Bitcoin Cash community maintains the original vision of Bitcoin as cash for the world.

Can you read that bottom line from this screenshot from Bitcoin Cash website?

This really captures for me what BCH is all about ..... "Bitcoin Cash brings sound money to the world, fulfilling the original promise of Bitcoin as "Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash".

If you haven't done so, bookmark the website and have a wee read, it is worth it to know we all get excited about BCH.

My meaning of BCH

For me it is clear. Football's coming home is running through my head as I chant ....

It's coming home
It's coming home
It's coming
Bitcoin's coming home

It's coming home
It's coming home
It's coming
Bitcoin's coming home

Yes BCH for me is Bitcoin's Coming Home

With BCH - Bitcoin Cash brings back the original Bitcoin promise of Bitcoin of low cost Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash around the world.

In summation, whilst football may not be coming home, Bitcoin has come home in the form of Bitcoin Cash.

Long live BCH - Bitcoin's Coming Home !

All together now:

It's coming home
It's coming home
It's coming
Bitcoin's coming home

Thank you for reading.

Copyright @TengoLoTodo 2021 and yes All Rights Reserved. All images and words are from the author unless source mentioned.

Haste ye back.

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3 years ago


We say soccer. Football is American football. American influence more like it. We do have a national team for footy, BCH is coming home, that we have to see at the rate its going right now in the market. That's a good compare and contrast writing. Both have some things in common, and some things that contradicts. That's a witty chant and the football with a mask even made it an eye catcher.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Well thank you, I knew you say soccer, so Americanised. Glad you like the wee masked football and the witty chant, salamat ;)

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In Venezuela, football is not as popular as baseball. Although, I prefer football. Our team is far from being the best. And we say football, no soccer;)

I'm singing with you, hehe. Bitcoin is coming home! Long live BCH! ♡♡

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Ah yes I think basketball and baseball is more popular than football in Venezuela. hehe yes sing Bitcoin is coming home! Long live BCH!

$ 0.00
3 years ago

In Malaysia, it's known as just football, not even Association Football. And it's smart of you to link BCH to football! Witty.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

hehe witty well I do try to make things lighter and humourous in my own little way. Glad to know you guys say football though.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Yup, we follow the British.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

hehe that is not common anymore

$ 0.00
3 years ago

You're right. The younger generation is heavily influenced by American pop culture.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

ah yes the same the world over

$ 0.00
3 years ago

I don't watch footbal, uncled Ed hehe. Just stopping by and I'm about to get off. Have a good one!

$ 0.02
3 years ago

hehe thanks Mrs P, it is more BCH than football, get to sleep, sweet dreams!

$ 0.00
3 years ago