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Avatar for TenPoundTabby
3 years ago

It's rarely easy being one of the few (or the only) guy in a woman's world. You're often excluded from the richness of the conversations that females build with each other; work is intertwined with fashion discussions and intimate apparel, so any guy who values purity is at a disadvantage. Slowly, like the way that glaciers build, you are frozen out of conversations where you could contribute and decisions that impact you. Others who know less but have more of the social lubricant carry the day, while you fade into a dusty desk in the corner, slaving away. I guess this is typical for men, to be the under-appreciated workhorses of life while others fly about discussing things or socializing. Disposable heroes? Yup, that is the role of most men in life. So much for the patriarchy, if that is what it means -- or perhaps the patriarchy has been dead a very long time and feminists are so used to complaining that they never even noticed it was gone? Many women are vampires, in the sense that they will suck all the work out of a guy that they can (I speak of only business relationships here), and then freak out about the rest of the time, gaining sympathy with their crying circle of fellow women, another thing from which men are excluded. No feminine crying circle can brook the admission of a man, for the man will say (after some time), "Toughen up, buttercup." I don't mind being the underdog, but I'm never going to be part of the sorority, not even as the eunuch houseboy who does the work, provides the crying shoulder, and hands out insincere compliments to flatter the vain.

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