7 health benefits of unripe plantain.

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Health Benefits of Green Plantains also known as Unripe Plantains

Green Plantains are consumed regularly in many places in Latin America and can be prepared in different ways: boiled, cooked or fried, and can be eaten both as appetizers and as a garnish in various dishes.

Like other plant-based foods, green bananas are a good source of fiber and nutrients. Therefore, it is recommended to include them in a balanced diet.


In fact, experts from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN) indicate that the banana is food that contains fiber, potassium, vitamin B6 and insulin.

On the other hand, it should be noted that, being rich in carbohydrates, they can provide a lot of energy to the body. Although they also contain other nutrients that can provide other health benefits. Discover them below.

1. They contribute to cardiovascular Health

Within a balanced diet, the consumption of green bananas is beneficial for health. Not only because it is food of plant origin, a source of carbohydrates and various nutrients, but above all because of its potassium content.

Potassium is a mineral that helps maintain the health of the heart and the rest of the cardiovascular system. In addition, it helps regulate blood pressure and thus maintain a normal heart rate.

2. Support the health of the muscular system.

Just as potassium is a very important substance for the health of the cardiovascular system, it is also important for the muscular system, since it participates in various chemical reactions, such as: 

-Muscle contraction.

-The synthesis of muscles.

-The permeability of the membranes.

When your body doesn't have enough potassium, you can experience muscle weakness, neuromuscular disorders, hypotension, rapid heartbeat, and other health problems.

So a good way to get a dose of potassium in your diet is to eat green bananas. These can be enjoyed Colombian style, with a touch of salt. They are exquisite!

3. They provide vitamin B6

Green bananas contain vitamin B6, which helps maintain normal neurological function, keep blood sugar at normal levels, produce hemoglobin, break down proteins, and produce antibodies. Processes that, in short, are essential for the good health of the body.

Since vitamin B6 is water-soluble, it is said that it is advisable to steam green bananas so that they retain as much of this nutrient as possible. They can be combined with a touch of salty cheese.

4. They help maintain intestinal transit.

Although green bananas are more difficult to digest than ripe ones, their consumption within a balanced diet can help maintain a good intestinal transit.

According to popular wisdom, in many Spanish-speaking countries the consumption of meals with green bananas is recommended to people who are recovering from diarrhea or dehydration.

5. Help Prolong the feeling of Satiety.

As you may have guessed, green bananas are foods that help prolong the feeling of satiety. This is because of its dietary fiber and starch content.

If you are looking to lose weight in a healthy way, then you can include green bananas in your diet, in moderate amounts (since although they do not have fat, they are rich in carbohydrates).

You can eat them boiled, puréed, and even steamed if you prefer. In all these ways they make a good garnish.

6. They provide insulin

According to the experts from the FEN, green bananas contain insulin and other fructooligosaccharides that are indigestible by intestinal enzymes, which reach the final tract of the intestine and have beneficial effects on intestinal transit.

According to the experts of the Spanish Association for Food Safety and Nutrition insulin is also a type of soluble dietary fiber composed of fructose units that is extracted from chicory root. Among the foods richest in insulin we can mention asparagus, garlic and onion, among others ”.

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According to the authors of a study published in 2007, l to insulin provides benefits to health and is used in the formulation of functional foods with properties widely commercially exploited.”

 7. They provide energy

continuing with the previous point, we can see that bananas (green and ripe) help to obtain an extra energy to wake up and start doing everything we need. For this reason, it is usually recommended consuming it before going for moderate intensity exercise.

Therefore, if you want to get an extra energy before or after your training session in the gym, do not hesitate to take advantage of a serving of green bananas. You can cook is serve with delicious Stew of your choice or use it's grain in making AMALA with good Stew

Considerations when eating Green Plantains

The experts of the Spanish Nutrition Foundation comment that “the starch makes the green banana difficult to digest, being indigestible and can cause flatulence and dyspepsia”. Therefore, its consumption is not recommended in certain cases.

Keep in mind that, although eating green banana can bring many benefits to your health, you should avoid them when you suffer from liver or kidney failure problems.

This is particularly because when your kidneys are damaged, excess potassium cannot be removed correctly in time.

This causes the levels of this mineral to rise and increases the risk of hyperkalemia, which can lead to various health problems. 

Finally, keep in mind that it is important that you prepare them in different ways and avoid always eating them fried. Fat can negate all the positive effects it can bring.

Eating them boiled and seasoned with just a pinch of salt is the most recommended option. Although you can look for other ways to consume them.

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3 years ago
