4 food that can damage sperm cell

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3 years ago

Here Are 4 Foods That Affect The Sperm Negatively.

1.Processed Meats

These includes hotdogs, beef jerky, bacon, salami ofcourse they are quite delicious. But talking about a healthy sperm. So many studies have proved that processed red meats affects sperm counts and motility negatively.

2. Trans Fats

These kind of fats increases the risk of heart diseases. Research also recently proved that increased intake of trans fats are linked with decrease in sperm counts.

3. High Fat Diary Products

Research has proved that milk with a very high fat content were associated with decreased sperm motility and abnormal sperm shape. A times traces of steroid hormones injected in cows are found in these products.

4. Pesticides

This can easily be overlooked as you will all say no sensible man can consume pesticides. Little do we know of how we consume these substances through some fruits and vegetables they were used on that we eat. These chemicals often act as xenoestrogens( estrogen mimics) these substances cause havoc on the sperm cells.

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