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People are been treated in different ways, even if there behavior is the same. Why?

A mother's that have carried many pregnancy in her womb for different years, those pregnant don't go in the same way, why?

The delivery process of each pregnant come with different ways, despite the fact that it was the same mother that carries the previous ones, why?

Human being are created with different colours and character irrespective of their country. Why?

Children of the same mother and same father have different characters. Why?

People of the same religion, same culture, same orientation but different attitude towards issues. Why?

Some people are been deny of there right and responsibilities. Why?

Opportunities comes but once, it can never be regain. Why?

Some are facing a lot of challenges in life despite there full commitments to God and people that superior to them (leader). Why?

Figers that are not equal save the different purposes. Each finger has be destined to be. Why?

This life is even not the same thing, the way it is to me is different from the way it is to you. Why?

We may be breathing through the same air, but the way it blow to each and everyone one is different. Why?

This life is like figure 6 and 9, it's depends on how it turns to you. Why?

Why, are some people living a comfort life and some are living missrable life?

Despite everyone deserves to leave a normal life, some are even deny to have a better one. Why?

For the fact that children are not the same age, does it mean we should not give them the same right each deserve. Why?

Sometime, the reason we have to all this Why might be the solution to the problem. And the problem shared is half solved.

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This is because of that person’s personality. How people act through their personality. Successful mindset brings out success

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4 years ago

Why is very common word in our society. When we facing problems many people speak why. Thanks a lot.

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4 years ago

There are questions that are really hard to answer because of the fact that this covers a wide scope of topics. We all have those Whys that are left unanswered..

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4 years ago