Beautiful Life

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Life sees so funny that we can not understand, today we live tomorrow we die what is the meaning of life?

It is in this life we see old people living and young people are dieing ( weat trees🌲 we're falling, while dry ones were still standing, very strong).

In this funny life, where Oladest child of the family is poor while the youngest of the family rich.

This life is a place where parents losses their best child at their old age, when they want to start eating the fruit of what they have labour for, what a focerated life.

Life is two side of a coin, it's either beautiful or Missrable, it depends on how it appears to one.

It's can be beautiful to those that favour most, I mean those that have almost all what they want.

The life is been Missrable for those that are facing difficulty, those that are suffering.

Living a beautiful life and having almost everything you want, those not mean you were Rich, because riches also cry.

Living a poor life those not make life miserable for you, but depending on how you hold life himself.

Life holds whoever hold them, people sees whoever see them.

Take life simple, don't copy another person. See yourself as somebody that will make or already make it in life, so as to be beautiful to you.

If you say, you want to copy your friend that do bad and excape it, you as a body might not go Scott free.

In order to be beautiful to you, be contented with what you have, some rich are not certified enough with what God gives them.

Certisfactory is very important in this life so as to have life well spent.

Beautiful life is not that expensive as what people think.

The beautiful life is not been sold at the market, but very cheap and that is every where to find it.

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wonderful piece... though there is a typo in your first paragraph(sees). This piece touches on how life is in reality.. the see the beauty of life we must open our mind and drop all the burdens we bare

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4 years ago

wow this article is so beautiful and deep at the same time. You made so many points in this article of yours and i couldnt agree more.

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4 years ago

This is the reality of life. You are right. In life, we really need to be contented and to be happy. It is not a bad thing wanting to have a better life and pursuing our dreams. But make sure that it is not envy you are feeling.

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4 years ago

Iife is a wonder. We have not yet understood the entire beauty of this wonder we call life. What a wonder.

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4 years ago

Life is like a mystery everything is just happening because it's already written and I think nothing to be done than to live life in a well mannered way

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4 years ago

This reminds me of an excellent movie called Life is Beautiful.

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4 years ago