Gas cylinder

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Avatar for Teefret
2 years ago
Topics: Cooking

This is a question I need to ask

How did you use your gas cylinder at home ?

Many nowadays people are happy that using of gas is most faster than cacoal ,fire wood,etc.

Which they think it's part of civilization which has come up to them ,where by it has destroy many properties, life.injury, it's such a tragedy things to people who it's has happened to

My experience so far

1 : In my formal company we produce youghty drink on a blessed day am in a product room with the guy using a gas to streank the liylon package on the table

Suddenly we had a big sound just like an earthquake we all ran out for our life

I stop to see what is happening I notice the gas cylinder is a station to get bosted I ran into production room to Ford the hores

2: in my company I am now same thing happened I also did same thing which it has been saving us and mean while people are asking me who tot me the ideas I used that I really save their life

3: tips have learn so fat

1 * Don't use a cellphone while cooking at home and at work where gas is been us

2* when cooking make everywhere a free fee air to enter your kitchen

3* and always look towards on what you are doing while cooking

4* don't allow your children in the kitchen when you are home or at work

5* if an explotion occur try to look for a big cover to cover the clyinder so that air we will not give it an access for explotion

6* don't used ordinary water to fight use fire extinguisher

7* don't be to lazy to off your cylinder after useage

8* Always try to stay safe

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Avatar for Teefret
2 years ago
Topics: Cooking
