I am new to this platform but happy to share worthy articles, insights and knowledge I come across with this community!
as a starter, just wanted to summarize a lot of few actions I have read on “Actionforhappiness.0rg”:
Take few minutes every day to meditate. Sit still and breath
Take the time to call people you love
Get the sleep you need (avoid screen time before bed) —— ooops I’m guilty
Take the time to notice the beautiful things around you!
have a tech free day and stop watching the news
make time for physical activity
Be kind to others and help those in need
plan to meet (Much later this year) with those you haven’t seen in a long time
Think about your goals and take small steps towards them
Learn a new skill
Rediscover music or games that made you happy in the past
these are the ones I recall and that I will try to execute on!
what would you add to this list?
Awesome buddy. I like these productivity and self improvement tips. Thanks for sharing this with us.