Theory of eating frogs to stay dynamic!
Don't worry! I am not telling you to eat the real frog😂! It is just a purport!
No matter how delicious the food is on the breakfast table - first you eat frogs! And if there are two, start with the ugly frog. In other words, start your day with the most difficult, seemingly impossible (but there is no chance to avoid it). Fight with yourself until that work is finished. Danger! if you fall into the trap of easy and good work. If you can't turn away from them, you may get 20 rupees even if you work all day! Moreover, if you have to eat frogs, you have to take it when it is fresh. Because as the day goes on, it will rot and die, it will spread bad smell. Then it will be more difficult to eat, right? Moreover, if you do not eat it now, there is a very good chance that it will go to someone else's table with a leap! In other words, if you do not grip the opportunity that is ahead - someone else will take it. So it is wise to feed the frog first (though ugly but fresh)!
The decision to do or not to do something needs to be analyzed first. If it can be done properly - how will the reward match; if not, how bad the situation will be. If the scale of the result is intense, it has the potential to have a profound effect on the meaning of life, but that is what needs to be done first. The positive or negative effects of the work are very small - even if you do not do anything. According to Tracy, one has to challenge oneself by writing ABCD-E according to the importance of each task in the list of daily to-do tasks. If you can do a job all day - there is no problem. But doing everything else on the list without ‘A’ can be dangerous!
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Must work. How do I live if I don't work. How to meet daily needs. We have to work to establish our separate identity for our daily life. Yes I liked your article. Thanks.