Take care your Relationship

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Avatar for Tasfim20
2 years ago
Topics: Relations, Caring

You are not alone in the world.You have a country,a city,a society and a family.You have got father,mother,brother,sister by bornborn.There are so many members in a joined family.Besides,there are so many relation like colleagues,personal relations,friends.There are natural relations and we need to save this relationships.Some relations are made without willingness.


Those people who like gathering they have no limitations of friends.Small requirement,Small needs or making these relationship without reasons have a value and every relation is important.

Everyone is different and in this different sector they have requirement of different things.In these reasons you can't do so much but you need to respect these,it's your duty.

But we are careless about these relationship.We give so much respect to our parents at our requirement but when these become fulfil we don't take care of them.We ignore them badly.But in the world the most important and unbreakable claimant of love is mother.Though some parents failed to fulfill the requirement of their children or some of them are careless about their children but in whole live they are the only one claimant of highest love in the world.


After that we need to show respect our elder brother and sisters.Need a affection of younger ones.But we don't keep it in our mind that too.To make a beautiful life of our brother and sisters we have a huge contribution.Because they are the closest by born relation.Blood relation is the truest relation in the world.This relation is only last long forever.

Apart from all relationship we have so my relatives like aunts,uncles.These are blood relation too.they are family also.We need to stay beside them at the joy and sorrows.We need to be respectful in these relations too.But how much time we stay around them?not so much.If we think,but we think first our benefits and after that their.


After these relations,Friendship comes next.Friendship is a relationship where we don't have any Secret.We share our everything between us.There is love,little fighting and gathering.

Fighting for small things,being upset for little incident and there are so strange story of in this relationship.Compromise and Sacrifice are another mind set of this story.

But if one friend don't think about these or don't show any respect one another or can't understand each other,humiliate friends everytime then the friendship doesn't lasts long.


The relation between husband and wife is another important relation in a life.All relationship are paler to this relationship.Commitment of spending a whole life and by preparing for it a relation make.Dividing every single part of life is the important thing in this sector.Here both of them to be strong at the time of sorrows and joys.This is as much easy as hard.So much elements are necessary here to build this relationship strong.But the most and must important thing is trust in this relation.Which works like a piller of the relationship.

Lack of money is the problem of life.Lack of necessity is the natural thing of life.There can be tolerable but if the lack of trust can't make this relation weak.Both of them need 100% trust on each other to make this relation strong.

Requirement of time is another important thing here.We keep busy ourselves for our life.Keeping in mind all of these both of them need to save time of one another.

And the last thing is needed here Understanding.And here everyone makes mistake.Some make big some little.So many people don't to express themselves to their partners.For this reason bridal strife happens.Both of them need to a sacrifice mind set up.If anyone doesn’t want to sacrifice a little things then the relation will turn into a atom bomb.And one day when it will explode,nothing will remain here.

Unnecessary doubts is another harmful thing for a bridal relation.This is a mental illness.Everyone needs a treatment for it.Besides both of them a respectful mind setup as i said before.You are not a serious type person or you are so angry and dogged person.For this reason you are disrespecting your partner.Inspite of being a bad person,the another person loves you and respects you.But how long?

If a tide of anger made and breaks then you will flow into that.You will loss him/her.So you need to be respect the opposite person.It's must needed in a relationship.

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Avatar for Tasfim20
2 years ago
Topics: Relations, Caring
