Stop Newspaper Negativity.

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3 years ago

Do you read daily newspaper? What kind of news do you get the most in the daily newspaper? Does this types news increase your negativity? Let's talk about it.

A few days ago I met my uncle, who works in a newspaper office as a senior reporter.

I was sitting in front of his desk when he called someone and asked what was the worst thing going on in society? Then he replied that now the biggest issue in the Corona issue, many people are recovering and dying. At the end of conversation he told him to make a news about death in Corona and give it more priority. And the issue of Corner's death needs to be raised so horribly that fear is born in people's minds.

After this I asked my uncle that " Don't you think that you guys are just highlight the negative issue to improve your news business? Why you don't investigation in a report, why don't you try to find any positivity? Why don't you find any solution of this problem? And you never do that."

Then he replied to me, " Why are you looking it negatively? We are publishing exactly what happened in the society today. For what? To let everyone knows about it."

He also told about socialogist. What is the job of a socialogist?He never talks about social solutions, he always talks about social problems. He works to heights why the problems occur. Newspaper reporter also do the same job.After publishing a news, the people who are prominent in the society review it. Gives us a solution. And that's what we express, and that's what positivity is all about of a newspaper.

I did not go to argue with him but I can't agree with him for several seasons. After few moments he asked me some questions. Here these are:

  • Doesn't it cost money to run a newspaper?

  • Where will the money come from?

  • How can a newspaper factory run, if the newspaper doesn't sell?

Suddenly he got a little angry and said that you have not yet reached maturity to talk about all this.Go, do your work.

Though now my undergraduate studies are not complete yet, so I moved away from there and thinking about those questions.

If any of you know the answers of these questions, please let me know in the comment box.

Thank you so much for your support.

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3 years ago
