Take away some doubts; Know the right one.

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Take away some doubts; Know the right one.


✪ Rasulullah / Rasulullah which one is correct?


Both are correct. However, their application is different. Naturally, ‘Rasoolullah’, but when ‘Ya’ is added before it, it becomes — ‘Ya Rasoolullah’. This is a rule of Arabic grammar. There are more words like this, there are more rules.


✪Astagfirullah / Nastagfirullah Which is correct?


Both are correct in practice.

►Astagfirullah — I ask forgiveness from Allah.

►Nastagfirullah — We ask forgiveness from Allah.


That is, the difference between them is the word. One is singular, the other is plural.


Here are a few more examples:


► Asaluka — I want you.

► Nasaluka — We want you.


► A’ujubillah — I seek refuge in Allah.

► Na’ujubillah — We seek refuge in Allah.


Rabbi — My Rabbi!

► Rabbana — Our Rabb!


► Hasbiyallah Allah is enough for me.

► Hasbunallah Allah is enough for us.


Will it be 'Zul Jalali Wal Ikram' or 'Jal Jalali Wal Ikram?'


Both are correct in practice. Basically it is:

► Zul Jalali Wal Ikram

(Possessing royalty and generosity).

When 'ya' is added before this phrase, it will be:

► Ya * jal * jalali wal ikram

► (O possessor of royalty and generosity!)


It is basically an adjective name of Allah. It is mentioned in the hadith that this name is repeated in the Du'a. [Bukhari, Al Adabul Mufrad: 3/260; The description is valid]


Therefore, for some time in the dua, keep an eye on the meaning and say with passion and sincerity, ‘Ya jal jalali wal ikram!’ This will increase the chances of accepting the dua. [Ibn Rajab, Jami’ul ‘Uloom wal Hikam]


[Another post will try to dispel some more such doubts, InshaAllah]


# Doubt_Discussion_Dismissing (Part 1)

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