Sacrifice is an important act of worship. It is obligatory to realize it.

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Masail of some very important sacrifices given by Maulana Muhammad Yahya from the monthly Al-Kawthar site:

Sacrifice is an important act of worship. It is obligatory to realize it.

Regarding those who do not perform this act of worship in spite of their ability, it has been narrated in the hadith, "He who is able to offer sacrifice but does not offer sacrifice should not come to our Eidgah." - Mustadrake Hakim, Hadith: 3519; Attargib Wattarhib 2/155

The essence of worship is obedience to Allah and attaining His pleasure. So two things are essential for the fulfillment of any worship. Performing sincerity for the sake of Allah alone and performing it according to the instructions of the Shari'ah. For this purpose, some urgent matters of sacrifice are mentioned here.

Sacrifice is obligatory on it

Masala: 1. It is obligatory on every adult, sane Muslim man and woman who possesses the required amount of wealth in the period from 10 Zilhaj Fajr to 12 Zilhaj Sunset. Money, gold, silver, ornaments, land that does not require living and food, additional houses needed, business goods and all unnecessary furniture are accountable in the case of Qurbani Nesab.

And the nisab is seven and a half (7.5) weights in the case of gold, fifty-two and a half (52.5) ​​weights in the case of silver, the nisab in the case of money and other objects is equal to the value of fifty-two and a half tons of silver. And if gold or silver or money or any one of these does not have a separate amount of nesab, but the need for more than one additional item becomes equal to the value of fifty-two and a half tola of silver, then it is obligatory to make a sacrifice on it.-Almuhitul Burhani 6/455; Fatawa Tatarkhania 18/405

Nesab's term

Masala 2. Sacrifice is not necessary to last the whole year; On the contrary, Qurbani will be obligatory on any of the three days of Qurbani. - Badayous Sanaye 4/196, Raddul Muhtar 6/312

Time of sacrifice

Masala: 3. A total of three days can be sacrificed. Till sunset on 10th, 11th and 12th of Zilhaj. However, if possible, it is better to make the sacrifice on the 10th of Zilhaj. -Muatta Malek 18, Badayous Sanaye 4/198, 23, Fatawa Hindi 5/295

Sacrifice of minors

Masala: 4. Sacrifice is not obligatory on minor children and adolescents who are not sane, even if they own a nesab. However, if his guardian sacrifices for them with his own wealth, it will be valid.

Sacrifice for the traveler

Masala: 5. Sacrifice is not obligatory on a person who is a traveler on the days of Qurbani (ie, has left his area for the purpose of going 48 miles or about 6 kilometers). -Fatawa Qazikhan 3/344, Badayous Sanaye 4/195, Addurrul Mukhtar 7/315

Sacrifice on behalf of minors

Masala: 6. Sacrifice on behalf of a minor is not obligatory on the guardian; Rather mustahab.-Raddul Muhtar 6/315; Fatawa Qazikhan 3/345

Ruling on the sacrifice of a poor person

Masala: 6. Sacrifice is not obligatory on the poor; But if he buys an animal for sacrifice, then it becomes obligatory to sacrifice it. -Badayeus Sanaye 4/192

If you can't make a sacrifice

Masala: 6. If one cannot offer the obligatory sacrifice on the day of sacrifice, then it is obligatory to give the value of a goat suitable for sacrifice if he has not purchased the sacrificial animal. And if the animal was purchased, but was not sacrificed for any reason, then the animal will be donated alive.-Badayous Sanaye 4/204, Fatawa Qazikhan 3/345

When can sacrifice be made from the first day

Masala: 9. It is not permissible for people in areas where Friday and Eid prayers are obligatory to offer sacrifices before the Eid prayers. However, if the Eid prayer is not performed on the first day due to rain or any other excuse, then it is permissible to offer Qurbani on the first day after the time of Eid prayer has elapsed.

Sacrifice at night

Masala: 10. Sacrifice is also permissible on the night of the 10th and 11th. But it is better to sacrifice during the day. -Musnad Ahmad, Hadith: 14926; Mazmauz Yawaid 4/22, Addurrul Mukhtar 6/320, Qazikhan 3/345, Badayous Sanaye 4/223

If the animal purchased for the purpose of sacrifice is slaughtered after the time

Masala: 11. If he cannot slaughter on the day of sacrifice, then the purchased animal should be given as charity. However, if it is slaughtered (after the time), then the whole meat should be donated. In this case, if the price of meat is less than that of a living animal, then the amount that has been reduced should also be given in charity. - Badayous Sanaye 4/202

Sacrifice can be done by any animal

Masala: 12. It is permissible to sacrifice camels, cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep and ewes. Apart from these domestic animals, it is not permissible to sacrifice other animals such as deer, wild cattle, etc. -Kazikhan 3/346, Badayous Sanaye 4/205

▪️ Sacrifice of male and female animals

Masala: 13. Of the animals that are permissible to be sacrificed, both males and females can be sacrificed. -Kazikhan 3/348, Badayous Sanaye 4/205

The age limit of the sacrificial animal

Masala: 14. Camels must be at least 5 years old. Cows and buffaloes must be at least 2 years old. And goats, sheep and ewes should be at least 1 year old. However, if the sheep and goats are less than 1 year old, but are so fat that they look like 1 year old, then it is permissible to sacrifice them. However, in this case you have to be at least 6 months old.

Note that if the goat is less than 1 year old, the sacrifice will not be permissible under any circumstances. -Kazikhan 3/348, Badayous Sanaye 4 / 205-207

The number of partners in an animal

Masala: 15. Only one can be sacrificed by a goat, a sheep or a dumba. If a few people sacrifice such an animal together, none of them will be valid. And camels, cows and buffaloes can have a maximum of seven participants. If there are more than seven partners, one's sacrifice will not be valid. -Sahih Muslim 1318, Muwatta Malek 1/319, Qazikhan 3/349, Badayous Sanaye 4 / 206-207

Sacrifice of seven partners

Masala: 16. If seven people sacrifice together, everyone's share should be equal. No one's share can be less than one-seventh. Like someone's half, someone's half. In that case, the sacrifice of any partner will not be valid. -Badayeus Sanaye 4/206

Masala: 16. It is permissible to sacrifice camels, cows, buffaloes in seven parts and any number less than seven, such as two, three, four, five and six parts. -Sahih Muslim 1317, Badayous Sanaye 4/206

If any partner is wrong

Masala: 16. If a person does not make a sacrifice for the purpose of obeying the command of Allah, but only for the sake of eating meat, then his sacrifice will not be valid. If he is made a partner, none of the partners will be sacrificed. So you have to choose the partner very carefully. -Badayeus Sanaye 4/207, Qazikhan 3/349

The part of Akika in the sacrificial animal

Masala: 19. Sacrificial cows, buffaloes and camels will be able to participate in Akika. In this both Qurbani and Akika will be valid.-Tahtabi Aladdur 4/18, Raddul Muhtar 6/372

Masala: 20. If the whole or most of the earnings of one of the partners is haraam, then the sacrifice of another will not be valid.

Masala: 21. If one buys a cow, buffalo or camel for sacrifice alone and he becomes rich, he can share it with others if he wishes. But in this case it is better to sacrifice alone. If he shares, it is better to donate the money. And if that person is poor on whom it is not obligatory to make a sacrifice, then he will not be able to associate anyone else. If such a poor person wants to share with someone, then he should make the intention at the time of buying the animal. - Qazikhan 3 / 350-351, Badayous Sanaye 4/210

The best animal of sacrifice

Masala: 22. It is better for the sacrificial animal to be fat.-Musnad Ahmad 8/138, Alamgiri 5/300, Badayous Sanaye 4/223

▪️Khora animal sacrifice

Masala: 23. It is not permissible to sacrifice an animal that walks on three legs, cannot keep one foot on the ground or can not weigh. -Jame Tirmizi 1/265, Sunan Abu Daud 36, Badayous Sanaye 4/214, Raddul Muhtar 6/323, Alamgiri 5/296

Sacrifice of sick and weak animals

Masala: 24. It is not permissible to sacrifice a weak animal that cannot walk to the place of slaughter. -Jame Tirmizi 1/275, Alamgiri 5/296, Badayous Sanaye 4/21 Sacrifice of an animal without teeth

Masala: 25. It is not permissible to sacrifice an animal that does not have a single tooth or has lost so many teeth that it cannot chew grass or food. -Badayeus Sanaye 4/215, Alamgiri 5/296

An animal whose horns are broken or torn

Masala: 26. It is not permissible to sacrifice an animal whose horns have been broken from the very beginning, for which reason the brain has been damaged. On the other hand, it is permissible to sacrifice an animal whose half horns or some horns have been broken or broken or the horns have not been raised at all. -Jame Tirmizi 1/26, Sunan Abu Daud 36, Badayous Sanaye 4/218, Raddul Muhtar 6/324, Alamgiri 5/296

▪️ Sacrifice of an animal with its ears or tail cut off

Masala: 26. It is not permissible to sacrifice an animal whose tail or ears have been cut in half or more. And if it is more than half, then his sacrifice is permissible. However, if the ear is small by birth, then there is no problem. -Jame Tirmidhi 1/265, Musnad Ahmad 1/610, Elaus Sunan 18/238, Qazikhan 3/352, Alamgiri 5 / 298-297

Sacrifice of blind animals

Masala: 26. It is not permissible to sacrifice an animal whose two eyes are blind or one eye is completely lost. -Jame Tirmizi 1/275, Qazikhan 3/352, Alamgiri 298, Badayous Sanaye 4/214

If the loss is found after purchasing a new animal

Masala: 29. If another animal is bought after the sacrificial animal has been lost and the lost one is found later, then if the sacrificer is poor (on whom the sacrifice is not obligatory) then it is obligatory to sacrifice two animals. And if you are rich, you have to make a sacrifice. But it is better to make two sacrifices. -Sunan Bayhaqi 5/244, Elaus Sunan 18/280, Badayous Sanaye 4/1999, Qazikhan 3/348

Sacrifice of a pregnant animal

Masala: 30. It is permissible to sacrifice a pregnant animal. If the child is found alive after slaughter, it should also be slaughtered. However, it is makrooh to sacrifice the animal when the time of delivery is approaching. -Kazikhan 3/350

- If there is a fault after buying the animal

Masala: 31. After buying a good animal for the purpose of sacrifice, if there is any defect in it due to which the sacrifice is not permissible, then the sacrifice of that animal will not be valid. Instead another animal has to be sacrificed. However, if the buyer is poor, he can sacrifice only the defective animal. -Khulasatul Fatawa 4/319, Badayous Sanaye 4/218, Fatawa Nawazel 239, Raddul Muhtar 8/325

The seller talks about the age of the animal

Masala: 32. If the seller acknowledges that the sacrificial animal is old and the condition of the animal's body seems to be the same, then the animal can be bought and sacrificed depending on the seller's words. -Ahkame Eid-ul-Azha, Mufti Muhammad Shafi Rah. 5

Sacrifice of infertile animals

Masala: 33. Sacrifice of infertile animals is permissible. -Raddul Muhtar 6/325

Slaughtering one's own sacrificial animal

Masala: 34. It is better to slaughter the sacrificial animal yourself. If you can't do it yourself, you can slaughter it with others. In this case, if the victim is a man, it is better for him to be present at the slaughterhouse. -Musnade Ahmad 22758, Badayous Sanaye 4 / 222-223, Alamgiri 5/300, Elaus Sunan 18 / 261-2If more than one person participates in Zabai

Masala: 35. Many times the slaughter of the slaughterer is not completed, then the butcher or someone else completes the slaughter. In this case, both of them must recite 'Bismillahi Allahu Akbar' before their respective prayers. If one does not fall, then that sacrifice will not be valid and the slaughtered animal will not be halal. -Raddul Muhtar 6/334

Benefit from the sacrificial animal before slaughter

Masala: 36. It is not permissible to benefit from a sacrificial animal after it has been purchased or specified. Such as plowing, climbing, cutting fur, etc. So these cannot be done by sacrificial animals. If he does, he will give the price of wool, the price of plowing, etc. as charity.-Musnad Ahmad 2/146, Naylul Awtar 3/162, Elaus Sunan 17/28, Qazikhan 3/354, Alamgiri 5/300

Drinking the milk of the sacrificial animal

Masala: 36. The milk of the sacrificial animal cannot be drunk. If the time of slaughter is approaching and the milk does not seem to hurt the animal, then do not milk. If necessary, sprinkle cold water on Olan. This will reduce the pressure of milk. If the milk is milked, then it should be given as charity. If you drink it yourself, the price will be given as charity. -Musnad Ahmad 2/146, Elaus Sunan 18/26,

Raddul Muhtar 6/329, Qazikhan 3/354, Alamgiri 5/301

If any partner dies

Masala: 36. In the case of sacrificing a few people together, if a partner dies before the slaughter, it will be permissible for his heirs to allow the sacrifice on behalf of the deceased. Otherwise the partner will have to return the money. Of course, others can be shared in his place. -Badayeus Sanaye 4/209, Addurrul Mukhtar 6/326, Qazikhan 3/351

If the sacrificial animal is a child

Masala: 39. If a sacrificial animal is given to a child, it is better to give the child as a living charity without slaughtering it. If he does not do sadaqa, he will slaughter the child along with the sacrificial animal and give the meat as sadaqa. - Qazikhan 3/349, Alamgiri 5/301, Raddul Muhtar 6/323

Sacrifice on behalf of the deceased

Masala: 40. Sacrifice on behalf of the dead is permissible. If the deceased has not made a will, it will be considered as a supererogatory sacrifice.

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