Depression Is An Issue Which Need Proper Approach

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Depression

Depression sometimes comes in the life of each of us. Sometimes it seems as if the situation around us is holding our breath. Sometimes it seems as if we are standing alone in the midst of thousands of people, an unknown affliction is eating away at us from within.This depression thing is less in the life of some people, but in the life of some people suffering from depression is more terrible.

Today we will demand a little sympathy. Today we will say not to romanticize it through songs, stories, poems or to think of it lightly It should be think as what it is.

It is often seen in songs, stories or novels that depression is romanticized as bad mood. There would not be so many words like bad mood, mental exhaustion, anger, sadness, arrogance unless each one needed to be identified separately. And it is foolish to think that having mental exhaustion will cut it off after a while. It is not always easy to understand why a person suffers from depression.

In today's fast paced Instagram life, lack of social introduction, constant pursuit of social gratification, office stress, people's expectations of people, depression can come from all these things. Depression doesn't come at any age. It can affect any person.

Many of those who are reading this article today may have admitted to depression, many may have overcome it without any help, and many may have taken professional help. Again, I guess there are many who think that the problem is to avoid it. They wanted to explain with a smile on their face that everything is fine.

I will not tell you anything new today. I will not tell you that if you read this then your mental fatigue will go away or if you look at that then your depression will go away. I will just tell you to talk about your mental fatigue, tell the people around you. Do not think that it is your fight alone or you can handle it alone. If necessary, take the help of a psychiatrist. Do not think it is small or do not feel ashamed if you are mentally exhausted. Like any health problem, it is also a problem.

Today there is a lot of talk about depression in different quarters, mental health act is being made, help is being taken from various organizations for mental health awareness but there is very little talk about it in Bangladesh.We rarely talk about why young children commit suicide because of depression, why an intelligent person chooses to die only because of office pressure, or how a person changes radically after retirement.

I said today that it is very important to talk about mental fatigue or depression. Similarly, it is very important to listen to mental fatigue or depression. If a person comes to you and talks about his mental depression and if you ignore it, that person will probably sink into the pit of depression even more. So if someone asks you for help, be a little more tolerant of them.

The number of depression-related suicides has risen sharply in recent years. Some people may think that those who can't fight with life are cowards. But believe me, this is not a matter of heroes or cowards. As I said a while ago, depression is a problem like any health problem and it needs treatment. Any depression patient needs a mindset like your love, your empathy and understanding their problem.

Depression is not a comic strip of Magazine.

Depression is not a poetic aspect of the poet's life.

Depression is an issue which needs proper approach!!

Let's talk more about depression. We need to talk about depression, we need to understand it. I finished here today. Stay well and help others to stay well.

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Depression
