They Tore Up Trees

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Avatar for Tarazkp
2 years ago

Oh they cut down the trees by the river bank in the Spring, Just as the birds were starting to pair off and start nesting, They carried timber away to be burnt polluting the atmosphere, The very same trees so vital when living to keep our air clear.

In Summer there wasn't the shade that had otherwise been there, And the habitat of birds and insects was removed with little care, The waters ran shallower with little or no protection from the sun, And the fish who'd thrived before fled further up river every one.

The rest of the trunks died and the roots started to rot, And the banks of soil were no longer held in place and got washed away by the rains when the Autumn came around, Erosion changing the landscape and exposing more ground.

Winter brought fierce storms that pelted the lands full hard, The river burst with low banks to flood the fields with disregard, And crops were ruined and the soil got contaminated you see, The waste had been leeching into the water up river from a factory.

All actions have consequences and it's important to know, You can't just take and still expect things to go on or grow, We need to protect what's important and honour Nature true, For if you want things to thrive you need to respect Her too.

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$ 0.08 from @TheRandomRewarder
Avatar for Tarazkp
2 years ago
