Educated People Are Not That Educated Today

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2 years ago

If you were educated than plenty of things would be changed or different for you and the surroundings that we have today and if you look at the portion that how everything is rotating it shall put up a question mark on the education itself. There is no doubt and I by myself always say. That if you want the character you need to be educated but if you want truly educated people than you have to lean towards your talent and what you have and you have to throw people out from your thought process. 10 out of 9 parents definitely said. Education is important, but those who know the meaning of it they called it precious and they lead their children towards studying instead of making it a burden or represented it as a burden that pull out a poor image in front of them. They say without certificate there is nothing, if you are a person who admire goodness than you would realize that there are many who hardly have a certificate and they are approaching forward well.

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Avatar for Tarazkp
2 years ago
