Reason OF Depression is our Parents?

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3 years ago
Topics: Writting, Emotions

Hi there fellas, I will talk about how to live happy and don't give a shit to depression. But I'm telling you here, you can't be happy all time. Sadness will come. Sometime smaller, sometime bigger and sometime bigger than the gaint. But I'll tell you how to avoid ourselves from depression.

Reasons OF Depression:

One of reason behind this problem is our parents and teachers. They didn't trained us well. Let me clear first that this isn't mean to blame our parents. They did their job greats. They trained us well according to the way they thought this would be best. But they weren't aware of the problems of modern era. But there are some mistake they have done and these mistakes are the reason to our depression.

  • They asked us that you have to become Doctor/ Engineer/ Lawyer, etc. They put limits on us that there's no other career except these. They told us that life should be beautiful. There should be no worries, no problems. Only you have to get is happiness and happiness comes from wealth.

  • They didn't know that if one has come to this world, he would have to face problems and challenges. And they told us that there should be only money, money, money. They forget that problems are part of life. They didn't told us that You can't be perfect. They told us that you are the perfect. But we're not. They told us you can do anything. You are best. You can be doctor, you can be engineer. But they forgot that all children can't be doctors, can't be engineers.

  • They didn't get that our child could have different skills. Like he could be a poet, a good gamer, a writer, a pianist, a singer. But they didn't get that. They told us that you have to secure your future. But they forgot to tell us that present is also something. You have to live happy today if you wanna be happy tomorrow.

  • All of these are the reasons behind our depression. We overthink that what would gonna happen in the future. And there's sadness. A deep sadness.

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Can we get out from Depression?

Now lets talk about some serious shit that how we can get out from that depression.

  • First we have to accept it by heart that not all people are born to change the world. Its rule, yeah that's the rule.

  • You have to accept that you have something other than others. Yeah, you have different skills. You have more skills than your friend that have more money than you. But if there's a friend who has good money and good skills, you have to see does he have good relatives? Does he have all other things which you have?

    If he don't and you also don't, then find out about his parents behavior to him. The thing I'm trying to understand you is that we don't have same things in our fate. If one is good, then there should be one or two bad things.

  • We have to accept that all people's fate are not same. Here's very important question, what is fate? Is fate already written? Can we change our fate?  Yes / No. I will discuss about fate in my next article.

  • Let us think what would happen if all people have same fate, same wealth and same happiness? Did you get any answer? No. Its simple, all the system of this world could be destroy. Yeah, that's right. In that world, nobody would need nobody. Not a single man/women would agree to do a work which is some kinda low value or we can say that a work that would give less respect him/her than other work.

  • Now I think you understood why all people's fate is not same. But here's another point. Maybe you are thinking that than why me who has nothing? I could be at my friend's place which have money, he can buy anything which he want. Then why me who've got nothing? Why so?

  • Before answer of this question, I'm again saying that Don't blame your parents. You will understand this thing easily when you will become a parent. So answer is it depends. It depends on fate. Now you should have to read my article on what is fate. I'm giving that link. Simply click on what is fate?


In short, up and downs are part of life. You can not get a life full of happiness in this world. Not even you, everybody who has soul. Because this world is a test for us. And nobody is fully happy either he who have money, skills or nothing. That's how life goes on.

Simple trick to get out of depression is go with the flow of life. Do things done by your heart and never try to find out result by yourself. Leave it to Allah that is One and Only Creator of everything. He will never let you down. But sometimes He will let you down to teach you something new, something better.


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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Writting, Emotions
