Love in life

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Avatar for TanveerSakib
3 years ago
Topics: Life


People often ask me why I do it.

How do I manage being here when my Love is

873 miles away

Four states away

And one time zone away.

""How do you do it?"" They ask.

""I could never do a long distance relationship."" They say.

""I would never be able to handle it.""

Well, the truth is

The way I can handle it

The way that helps me to ""cope""

Is purely the fact that my relationship is not

a Long Distance Relationship at all.

In this Love miles may be tangible but they are everything but definable.

We had Love before there was a distance and that distance will never be used to define us.

No matter how many miles there may be

I can still feel his Spirit with me.

His laugh rings in my ears when I can barely muster a chuckle

His fingers gently touch my skin when I drift off to sleep tucked away at night

I can hear the gentle whisper of his voice when I get up saying,

""Good morning, beautiful.""

And I can feel him singing along with me in the car to our Song when my voice cracks.

Our relationship is not a Long Distance Relationship.

Just because there is distance does not mean that distance defines It.

He isn't absent until I come home or when he visits me

My Love is always here.

He may be in whispers, and small chuckles, and light sighs

But a part of him is always here

Always with me

Always there and I can feel it.

So in a sense our Long Distance Relationship has no distance at all.

Because creating distance means to separate or to bring apart

And that's not what our relationship does in the slightest.

If anything these 873 miles bring us closer

Closer than we could ever imagine.

I'm not saying that I enjoy not being able to physically see him everyday.

But this chapter in our Love is not hard or difficult or too much to handle

And it certainly isn't bringing us apart.

Because we both do not see any other option

This is worth it.

This is right.

This is It.

This is the kind of It that everyone talks about

We all hope for It, search for It, even die for It.

and we are so blessed to have found It so early.

So these 873 miles will not be permanent

but they are so indescribably worth it."

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Avatar for TanveerSakib
3 years ago
Topics: Life
