Top Rich Elon Musk Terrorizes with Brain Power

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Elon Musk has many identities. He is the CEO of space travel company SpaceX, chief executive and product engineer of electric car maker Tesla Motors, chairman of SolarCity, founder of The Boring Company, co-founder of Neuralink, founding chairman of OpenAI and a co-founder of PayPal.

He was Born in South Africa

Elon Musk was born on June 26, 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa. As a child, Elon was so fascinated by innovation that doctors asked her to have a hearing test. Although he had no real problems. 1989 Elon was barely 18 at the time. In Africa, young men of this age have to undergo compulsory military training, and Elon moved to Canada to escape that training. His mother was then living in Canada. Elon was admitted to Queen's University in Canada. Elon has been very intelligent since childhood. He knew it was easy to get to the United States from Canada, So he left Africa and moved to Canada. After three years in Queens, Elon changed his destination. As well as the type of study. This time he went to Pennsylvania. An uninteresting subject like physics then took root in his head. Elon left Pennsylvania with a bachelor's degree in physics. This time the destination is Stanford University in California. Interestingly, Elon was only a two-day student at Stanford. He went on to do a PhD in physics, but that never happened.

Elon's Journey

History shows that the path of success of all successful people was that of a friend. The story of their beginning is simple. Those stories are full of all the anecdotes of adversity and failure. Surprising but true, Elon Musk's starting environment was conducive. On the third day after leaving Stanford University, Elon Musk started the first business of his colorful life with his brother. Opens a company. That is the bet. Elon's company, called Zip2 Corporation, sought out local city guides (tour guides), as well as The New York Times and the Chicago Tribune .He started giving content for Un's online magazine. When the company was just 4 years old, Compaq Computer Corporation bought Elon's company for 300 million in cash and 34 million worth of stock. The deal changed Elon Musk's life. In the context of 1999, this amount of money was really unimaginable for Elon. Then he did not have to look back.

Elon Musk, the world's richest man, now has no private home. Not only that, he spends his nights visiting friends' houses. He used to have a few houses, but in 2020 he announced that he would no longer keep his own house. Then he sold all the houses.

Journey to SpaceX and Dream Conquest

Elon Musk's third company, Space Exploration Technologies Corporation or SpaceX, was born out of the idea of ​​sending a commercial spacecraft to the Space Research Organization shortly after the two successful companies. Founded in 2002, the company has so much efficiency and competence that six years later, Nasai signed a written agreement with SpaceX. Where it says: 'SpaceX's spacecraft will transport cargo to the space research station.'

In addition to dreaming, dreams have to be made a reality, said the scholars. Mask actually did that. May 22, 2012: Four years after the signing of the agreement with NASA, Elon Musk and his spaceX seem to have conquered the world. SpaceX successfully landed on the space station that day with about 1,000 pounds of equipment in their designed and built 'Falcon-9' rocket. Overnight, Elon Musk made headlines around the world. This artisan of making dreams come true is also successful here. Then Elon Musk began to catch the success like a fairy tale.

Tesla Motors, New era of Elon's Story

There is no end to human needs. People have been addicted to knowing the unknown and transforming it into success for a long time. Elon Musk is no exception. A year after the founding of PayPal, Elon Musk became addicted to new innovative ideas. He started an electrical equipment company in 2003. He named himself Tesla Motors, the company's founder, product designer and CEO. Tesla then worked on batteries and solar energy. But their main goal was to build electric cars. Finally, in 2007, Tesla surprised everyone by building a sports car called 'Roadstar' powered by a lithium ion battery. The car could travel at a speed of 0-60 miles in just 3.6 seconds!

After that, Elon Musk's company never got a chance to look back. After the Roadstar, the Model S, Model-3, Semitrack and the much-desired Model Y were brought to the market one by one.

Mask Innovation: Profession or Addiction?

While everyone is busy with time travel fairy tales and movie frames, Elon Musk seems to be making it a reality! In 2013, Elon Musk gave birth to a worldwide discussion on a concept called 'Hyperloop'. The 'Hyperloop' concept was born as the safest but fastest means of transportation than the plane or train. Who knows, maybe in the near future this is going to happen with the help of a mask. Another innovative power crop of Neurolink-Elon Musk; This is groundbreaking artificial intelligence. He is also interested in high speed trains.


When nothing is left out, then why should politics-diplomacy be left out. Elon Musk has also warmed the field in this sector. In 2016, he was named as the special envoy of US President Donald Trump's 'Strategy and Policy Forum'. The following year, his name was announced as the President's Production Adviser, although Elon Musk stepped down as President's Adviser the same year.

Bought Twitter

However, Elon Musk has recently given birth to the biggest news by buying social media Twitter. It cost him 4.4 billion to buy the entire stock of microblogging site, Twitter. Mask is paying the full amount in cash to buy the shares. Twitter's current management system is not Mask's choice. He has expressed his anger more than once. Ongoing pressure-north. Many believe that his Twitter account could be a catalyst for political change. However, Elon Musk has suspended the purchase of Twitter for the time being. Elon said the 'Twitter deal' has been temporarily postponed. This arrangement for spam and fake accounts.

However, there is speculation that former US President Donald Trump will return to Twitter if he takes ownership of the Twitter mask. And even if Twitter helps Donald Trump to be re-elected President of the United States, it will come as no surprise.

In the Top Rich People

In January 2021, Elon Musk, owner of Tesla and SpaceX, became the world's richest man, replacing Jeff Bezos, CEO of Amazon, the largest e-commerce company. At the time, Musk's assets were valued at 185 billion dollars . In 2020, Musk's wealth flourished. At the beginning of that year, his net worth was 27 billion. He was on the list of the top 50 richest people in Tenetun. And in just 12 months, the amount of those assets increased to 16 trillion dollars. The high demand for Tesla electric cars is one of the main reasons for its growth. At the same time, Tesla's share price has risen sharply in the capital market. At the time of writing this report on Saturday, Elon Musk is also the world's richest man. At that time his wealth was 22.4 billion dollars.

Personal Life

While studying at university, Musk was introduced to his first wife, Canadian writer Justin Wilson. They married in 2000 and separated in 2006. He married Taluk Riley in 2010. In 2012, that relationship also broke up. However, Musk and Riley remarried in 2013, the year after the divorce. But the second marriage did not last long. Since 2016, Mask and Canadian musician Grimm's love of publishing has come to light. Their son was born in May 2020. The boy was named 'XA-12'. But the name was deemed invalid under California law because it contained letters that were not in the modern English alphabet.

Elon Musk, a man of colorful character, has also acted. Iron Man 2 ( 2010), Why Him? ( 2016), Man in Black: International ( 2019). Other television series he has starred in are Simpsons ( 2015), The Big Bang Theory ( 2015), South Park ( 2016) and Rick and Morty ( 2019).


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