A Village Fair (একটি গ্রাম্য মেলা)

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3 years ago

A village fair is a kind of annual gathering. People fronm a walks of life gather here for enjoyment. It brings a change in their monotonous li

LOcation : A Village fair is usually held on the bank of a river, a canal oF n u op

Tield under a large ancient tree. It is held on the first day of the new year, on the 1ast

day of the year or on the occasion of any national festival.

Who gather in a village fair : Men, women and children come to the Village rar m

large numbers t0 enjoy themselves. Women and children are particularly fond of the

village fair. They look forward for arrival of this day with great expectation.

Selling goods: Fancy goods, sweet-meats, dolls, toys and wooden things are mostly

Sold in the village fair. The villagers can buy things of their own choice. Children buy

fancy goods, dolls, toys, wooden things and flutes. Boys buy kites and fly them.

Young girls buy bangles and cosmetics. Grown-up people buy things of household

needs and stationery goods. Everybody buys sweet meat

Source of amusement: Circus parties and magic shows are the special attractions in a

village fair. Circus parties bring tigers, horses and monkeys. These trained animals

show interesting and fancy feats. Here the village young people show their skills in


Demerits: The village fair is not free from defects. It has want of proper sanitation.

Sometimes cholera and other diseases break out. There are even some gambling

parties and gathering of addicts. Occurances oT eve-teaSing are also common.

Conclusion: There are miscreants and miSdeeds everywhere, In spite of all these

defects, a village fair is a good form ot recreation to the village people. A village fair

1S of great value to an agrarian soCiety 1ike Bangladesh. The villagers are deprived of

all modern forms of entertainments such as Visiting Cinema hall or a theme park, So

attending or enjoying a village fair gives them immense pleasure.


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3 years ago
