Tips on How to Save Money as Student

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Tips, Save money, Student

It is very important to learn how to save and manage our own money because being a student doesn't end only at being able to attend school, learning new things, making friends and passing all the subjects, because being student isn't easy at all as we also have our expenses like books, tuition fees, food, transportation fee and other expenses. That's why it is very important to make ourselves aware of our expenses and learn to save them as much as we can as it will help us to survive our daily life at school.

So here are my tips to those students out there who are struggling with managing their allowance. These tips were also helped me at school during normal days, so I hope it would help you too with your money.

Tip #1: Know your Expenses

The first thing you need to do is to know all your expenses in everyday or in a month, make a lists of them in a notebook or using your phone's note so you'll be aware of them so that you can save your money for them.

Tip #2: Have your own bottled water

Going to school and studying can make us tired and thirsty all the time. So it is very important for you to have your own water since there's a lot of school who doesn't have fountains. Instead of drinking softdrinks or other drinks at your canteen, you better drink water, it'll make you healthier too.

Tip #3: Bring your own food

Instead of buying costly food at your canteen, bring your own food at school so you can have your food for break time without spending any amount of money from other foods.

Tip #4: Eat a lot at home

Before going to school, it would be better if you had your heavy meal at your home so you won't get hungry anymore at school. This the the most practical way I've always been doing before, it really helped me to save more money.

Tip #5: Avoid partying or going out with your friends

Not to totally avoid since it might cause you to have a boring school life. Just avoid this kind of occassions as much as you can or if it'll not cause you problem eventually due to short budget then you can go. Skipping from this happenings isn't bad or not being kj (kill joy), it's just because you have a discipline in yourself when it comes to your expenses.

Tip #6: Look for scholarships or discounts

As being student, tuition fees are the number one problem of every parents and student especially at college level. Being qualified from this kind of program is such a privelege. Having discounts is a big help too as you can no longer pay it's original price. If you get atleast one of these, congratulations, keep up the good work and study hard.

Tip #7: Walk or use public transportations

Instead of riding other expensive transportations, you can use jeep, tricycle or bus. Go with everything that has a cheap fees. Also if you can walk, do it. It'll help you become healthier too.

Tip #9: Look for an account where you can earn interest

Having this kind of account can help you earn money by just keeping your money there.

Tip #8: Be contented of what you have

If you have a phone that is fine and can still be use, do not aspire for expensive mobile phones. Just keep in mind that they still have the same functions, why do you need to buy a new one if the older one is still fine? Not just in phones but on other material things as well.

Being smart in managing your own money means you also have a higher chance to become successful in life. So practice yourself to not waste your money on non-sense things. Study hard and work hard and make your parents proud of you.

Thank you for Reading! ♡

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If you have some time, you can read some of my recent articles if you want. ♡♡♡

Thank you!

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Written by
3 years ago
Topics: Tips, Save money, Student


I am glad kasi bata palang ako, marunong na ako mag save and also, it is a good thing na ma exposed ka ksama ang mga taong wise when it somes sa pag handle ng pera. In today's generatuon. Kailngan talaga maging wais at mag save ng money.

$ 0.00
3 years ago

Opo lalo ngayon, daming pinarealized satin ng pandemic

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3 years ago