Strangers Are The Best

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Written by
2 years ago

These past days, I've been into one of my most dramatic part in my life. But I can't say that I'm fully healed now as healing really takes us time and can't be done in just 1 week or a month. Family problems, financial problem, being broken hearted, loneliness and pressures attacked me so hard at a single time that became one of the hardest silent battles I've experienced just a week ago. Those days when I am at my lowest and I don't know what to do with my life anymore but praying became my only weapon and as always it never failed to help me get out of that miserable situation. When I pray, I feel like that someone just gave me hope. A hope to remind me to not give up and gives me a vision of a better days that will be coming. That problems are just temporary and our life will not only stay on the bad side.

Because of the loneliness I felt from the past days, I decided to use the internet to seek for some advice or to someone whom I can talk with because I feel like I can't survive this situation alone. I have no friends beside me, nor family whom I can talk to. My heart and mind seems so heavy that I can't smile anymore as I feel so frustrated and drained. Actually even before, I never share my problems to anyone, I always keep it within me only as I feel like I can survive and solve all the problems I may encounter/encountering, but this time, I became desperate at looking for someone who can listen to me as this is the last way I only see to lessen the heaviness I feel.

I visited my Chrome and typed "Advice Free Online". I'm poor so I always look for the word "Free" for most of the time hehe. Then Omegle and 7cups showed from the results. At first I was hesitant at using them as I'm not used to share my problems to other people, plus the factor that most of the people who are using these websites are just looking for their right ones of to just flirt online especially the website called Omegle. But despite of these, I still used it cause I badly need a someone whom I can talk to without flirting, just a normal conversation.

The first website I visited was the 7cups. It's a website where you can share your worries and problems to a voluteered listeners for free. After waiting for 5 minutes, a listener with a username of Nathan popped in my screen. I shared him my problems and he answered them and gave his advices too. He's straightforward to what he's saying which really helped me. He even shared me his contact outside the website as he's not always online on that website so he can still check on me and help me if I still have worries in life. He is so approachable and kind. I feel comfortable while sharing my problems to him.

Nathan, I should be the one who is saying that... I'm so glad we met, you really helped me.

The next day, I visited the website called Omegle, I already used this before but that was already 5 years ago. After 5 years, I'm using this again hoping for someone who will listen to me. I don't know but I'm so thankful because the first ever stranger that omegle gave me is Abhi. Don't know if it is his real name but this is what he gave me to call him in our convo. He's not filipino again so at first I was a bit nervous as this is my first time sharing my problems to a stranger who isn't even a filipino like me and can't understand my native language.

Abhi is so nice, the moment I told him that I need some advice, he's so open to it and is really patient while hearing my story. I can see that he's a very humble man, he shared me his thoughts and possible reasons and outcomes to my problems. Honestly, the moment I read all his words to me, I felt lighter. Besides that I finally shared my problems to him which made me feel a little bit lighter, his advices made feel even more lighter. They're senseful to the point that I keep on thanking him as he really helped me.

He even requested me to smile but he didn't know that I'm already smiling because he really lessened the heaviness I felt in both of my heart and mind through his advices.

As before we end our convo, he said this to me after thanking him for multiple times 😅.

He's so nice, I don't know him but the one thing I wished for that moment is may he receive some good news as he helped someone who's really in need.

And so, our conversation ended...


Sometimes, our smile and happiness can't only be caused by someone we've already know such as family, friends or partners, they could be from a stranger.

Our simple advices or words could mean a lot to someone. Like what the saying said, no man is an island. We human needs each other in order to survive so always choose to help when we still can even to strangers.

Oh, you made this far!

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Have a great day wonderful people ♡.

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Written by
2 years ago


I like to be positive . Because I know and trust it negative can destroy but positive can engage.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Indeed! negaivities are everywhere, it's just a matter of how we will cope them.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I go incognito here because I do not like to be judged hehe. Nobody knows in my circle of friends that I am a blogger here. My sisters know that I am doing some bloggging but they do not really scrutinize me about it. Sometimes being a stranger gives me freedom :)

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Me too, whenever someone asks me to show some of my works here, I always make an excuse. Even here, I just feel like I will be more comfortable when people doesn't know me hehe.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Problems is part of our lives, prayer is a best thing to do. but sharing your problems to others is a good too specially in stranger because he/she doesn't know you. thay wont judge you from what you shared to them most of the will listen to your thoughts.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I totally agree with you. Even a stranger could help us when there is no one by our side.

$ 0.00
2 years ago