Adulting | Expectation vs Reality

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Written by
2 years ago

When we were young, we used to dream of things we want to have or want to be in the future. Some of us once dreamt of becoming a doctor, a teacher, a pilot, nurse, lawyer and more. And when we reached the teen age years, our dreams sometimes change because of many factors like discovering a new hobby while growing up, being influenced by others etcetera. And when we reached the age of 16-20. Our plans in life are becoming more detailed such as for example by this certain year, we want to finish our studies, and by this year we should be working in a nice companh with high salary and after working we will get married, and soon be making our own family until we get older.

Isn't we have this kind of timeline in our mind when we are in our late teen age years. I, personally do have this kind of planned timeline in my head before too. But reality slapped me these past few years. And this is what I'm going to share today. My expectations in my early 20's and what's actually their realities.

Expectation #1

Applying for a job after studying is easy.


This things is currently one of my source of stress for months. Though I didn't finish my course as I only took half of my 4 year course because I stopped due to financial problem that is also limiting me to apply to some jobs that I believe I could do. I find out as well that even graduate students are also struggling in finding a job after they've graduated, so what more in my case haha. I don't know anymore how many times I submitted my resume in different jobs online for months already but still unemployed until now. It is just so hard to find a job these days.

Expectation #2

Once I'm already earning money, it would be easy for me to save money for myself.


Definitely not true Lol. Let me share here a meme that's so accurate in this topic.

Image from Pinterest

You know judith is always waving every month which we need to pay or else we will be living like in the old age again where we live in a house that doesn't have electricity and water supply. I thought before that once I am already earning on my own, I would be just treating myself all the time with the stuffs I want to have or the foods I want to eat and beside that, I'm also saving some of my money at the same time but it's not. The moment I got my first income here, the more I felt the importance of money so I should not waste it in stuffs that is not so important for now. Instead, I'll just give it to my parents in paying bills in our house. But I'm still glad that I'm still saving a little for my future. It is just too far from what I've expected before.

Expectation #3

Working in my field or working at my dream job.


This reality slapped me so much. Everytime I tried to seek for a job that is in my field which is Information Technology. The qualifications are reminding me that I'm dumb and cannot be in the job lol. The qualifications are so high that it is way taller than my height already. Same as getting the job that I really dreamt of before. Actually, my dream job is to become part of production team where I could be part of a team when making a film. My heart is really on that field, making videos, films or photoshoots. Any job as long as the camera and editing software involves, that's my desired job. But when reality hits me, I realized that achieving my dream job is impossible for now. For now because I'm not closing my door in this goal of mine, I still want to make it happen one day.

Expectation #4

Adulting is exciting.


It's depressing, to be honest. Responsibilities are getting bigger and bigger, losing a friend and love ones are just normal, we slowly lose our time to other things, problems are slowly killing us in our minds, and the worst thing is, our works shouldn't be affected by them. Also, the pressure. Pressure of seeing other people at our age achieving so much things in life while us are stucked and depressed. Honestly, aside from the fact that other social media apps now are becoming toxic, the one thing that keeps me not opening it is because of what I see from my batchmates and friends. I see them becoming successful and having fun with their lives while me, broke and ugly.

But after all, I just keep on reminding myself that social media is the biggest liar. It is so rare to find those people who will also show the dark side of their lives in social media, that's why we should not feel pressured as we don't know what other's are going through behind their social medias accounts.

As I get older, everything is getting clearer and clearer in my mind now. I thought it is just easy to become adult and fulfill all my goals according to the years I've set for them. But this phase in my life thought me that not all our plans will be happen smoothly. But it doesn't mean that we will no longer achieve them, it may take time as each and everyone of us has our own paths and perfect time in life. Remind ourself that our timeline is different from the others.

You reached the moon!

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Have a great night wonderful people 🍀.

March 30, 2022

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Written by
2 years ago


realte much. nakikita ko yan sa working kong ate. akala mo kapag nakatapos ka na eh hayahay na buhay, nope.. theres more challenges pa. ganun ang buhay eh.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

As children, we always looked forward to adulthood with enthusiasm. We are adults now and want to go back to being kids. Adulthood is no picnic, I agree with you on that

$ 0.00
2 years ago

This is what I really want to happen, to go back from being a kid or teenager again who doesn't have any responsibilities yet. Adulting is really challenging.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Adulting is the chapter of our lives where we have to hone our sklls and collect more experiences to get better. Ang sakit lang na nag wowork ka tas alam mo sa sarili mo na pagkakuha mo ng sahod, bayad bills agad. Hays.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Kaya nga eh yung sa katapusan mo pa makukuha sahod mo pero nakaauto kaltas na agad yung mga expenses mo hanggang sa wala na namang matira.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Once I'm already earning money, it would be easy for me to save money for myself

ito yung iniisip ko noon, pero sa reality di pala. Ang hirap maka ipon ng pera kasi andaming bayarin sa katapusan ng buwan tapos May mga daily needs pa

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Totoong totoo to ate, yung akala natin madali lang pero ang hirap pala maachieve in real life. Padami pa ng padami yung gastusin haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Tama tapos ang mamahal na ng bilihin. Minsan, na stress ako paano pagkasyahin ang pera para sa susunod na sweldo ng partner ko

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Definitely it's really hard to save money from our income or salary. Due to the fact that all prices of our basic needs are increasing, we can't save. Lot of bills to pay. Thus our income is not enough for family expenses.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

The fact that the cost of living nowadays are continuously increasing yet the salaries stays the same, argh.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Honestly I feel like adulting is basically going through life second guessing everything and just try to make the right decisions and being responsible.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Oh I agree it is just a matter of how we will be responsible for our decisions to make it right.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I feel you ,when I had a salary before I did'nt able to save from it ,I spent too much for my family and for my self,and when I resigned from that job ,I even don't have a coins in my wallet😅 Its really hard to save😅

$ 0.00
2 years ago

True ate haha, when you want to save but then, bills and food expenses are waving at you already.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I feel you, daming expected yet when real life na wala na. Akala ko din noon mag-aral lang then opportunity awaits. That's happened to some but for ordinary like us ginagawa na lahat pero baket parang kulang padin haha. Yung expectations abroad ayaw ko din i-expect kasi iba nanaman sa reality for sure. Lol

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Totoo hahaha yung sabi nila basta may pinagaralan ka madali na lang pero hindi talaga madali eh Lol. Ang hirap mabuhay these days.

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Nung bata ako gusto ko maging adult, at ngayon adult na ako gusto ko na ulit maging bata haha! Yung mga akala ko talaga nung bata magkakatotoo pag adult na ako, e adult na ako mukang di naman hahaha!

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Marerealize mong ang hirap pala at minsan parang imposible pa hahaha

$ 0.00
2 years ago