4 Lessons Of The Year

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2 years ago

The last day of this year is fast approaching, we are now down to 12 remaining days and I can finally say now that 2021 is not worst at all. In fact, the year 2020 is worser than this year for me, why? Because, this is the year where I started to realize and value all the small things I have or will receive. This is the year where I started to learn and enter cryptocurrency world, become into posting and sharing my life using noise and read.cash which I never expected before since I'm a type of social media user who doesn't want to share my boring life to anyone as no one wants to know it naman in the first place.

In this article, I will share here the things I learned this year. I will also include the reasons why I considered them as a lesson for me and how they helped me become wiser and stronger now.

Value small things

Since this is the year when I started my cryptocurrency journey, market's volatility taught me to value each coins that I accumulate on noise and read. Not only that, but to also value the coins which I'm holding on my crypto wallet during its red days when its value is seems to be so dump. I also apply this to everything I have right now, because I realized, when I learned to be contented at the small things, that would lead me to a happier life. If I can already appreciate small things or small achievements, what more to the bigger ones.

Always trust the process

I have some plans and dreams that didn't came true this year and because of those, I experienced a lot of downs and crying moments but after all, I realized that it's okay to feel and be sad but don't make it a habit. I started to believe in this word "Trust the process", even if it turns out bad for me, everything happens for a reason. It turns out not good because it means, there is other thing that is really meant to happen for me. I might feel not okay today but because there is a process in everything, I know I can be happy again one day.

Rest is a must

Taking a break is must, our health must be always our priority. Sometimes, when I feel so drained and can't even think of any idea to post on noise or here because of lack of energy or there's too many things running in my mind, I will just rest. What I often do is to sit beside our pets and play with them, watching entertaining videos helps me too as how playing mobile legends helped me forget about all the things running in my mind that causes my mind to get blocked. Yes, watching and playing helps me forget and focus to what I am doing for a while. Then after that, I feel refreshed again or rebooted, no more hangs and logs in my system.

Things will be better one day

Seeing bad situations with a silver lining is one of the best things I learned for this year. There were a lot of unexpected and sad moments 2021 brought to me but just like what I've said, it's okay to feel bad, it's okay to cry and feel what I want to feel but don't make it a habit. I always push myself to think in a positive way naman after feeling down for many days, cause I should do that or else my problems will affect me even more. Life is like a wheel, if we feel like we are carrying the whole world for we are in the lowest part of it, just think positive that sooner or later, the wheel of life will move again and we will get out from our miserable situations before. One day, we will be on top, and that's will be the right and perfect time for us, the only key it to wait.

2021 is about to end, do you think everything went well this year for you? If no, we have the same answer. But we can't do anything about that anymore except for becoming a better version of us next year. Also, I want to say this here,

2022, please be a good year to all of us.

Thank you for Reading!

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2 years ago
