Not What I Expected

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2 years ago

Note: Lead image sourced from

Hello friends.Hope you've/are having a great day? I can't really complain about mine. For a guy whose really a kind of a football enthusiast from.a distance, I've actually given my whole day to football. This was not help by having my two favorite teams playing today and during different times of day.

It was the first time in a long while that I had committed some time to watching football. I say commit because I really find it hard to give up 90mins of my time to enjoy some entertainment only to have my team beaten before my eyes like Chelsea were today.

I actually didn't watch the whole 90mins because at some point, it was becoming too shameful and painful to watch. It almost seem like the Chelsea management and team had no game plan for the match. They had a 10mins rodeo and literally surrendered the ball to a Manchester City team know for nothing but ruthlessness( and a burning desire for vengeance for the Champions League defeat).

The closest thing I saw to a game plan was that Chelsea were out to defend and go home with a zeros scoreline. To think any team, not to mention Chelsea would think that is even possible is quite stupid. As I've said earlier, Manchester City is a ruthless, clinical team that will keep coming at you as long as you keep being a whimp. They aren't the kind of team you want to defend against for 90mins,there's no way to successfully do that against City. I hope the Chelsea management saw the flaw in their plan(whatever that was).

Having been burned by Chelsea, I thought to take solace in Nigeria vs Sudan match. While we might have won three to one, I couldn't feel anything but dissapointment at the shabby, lifeless play of the Super Eagles. Of the three goals we had, not one was brilliant, thru were mostly as a result of goalkeeper's error and inferiority complex on the part of the Sudanese team.

There was no cohesion or creativity from the Nigerians. It was a mostly flat match. Although there were a few moments if individual brilliance. The only player that stood out today was the Nigeria no 10 maestro Joe Aribo. Everytime he touched the ball, he produced something of an absolute beauty. For an art liver, he would have seem like a *Mona Lisa* in the midst of a high school painting collection(no offense to the other players)

Overall, whatever I was hoping to get from both matches, I was disappointed and I can't just get the picture of Nigeria possibly playing Cameroon out of my head. With a team like that, we should trump any team, but from what I saw today, we wouldn't stand a chance against Cameroon or Ivory Coast.

I hope for their sake and the love of the people they represent, they get themselves together before they run out of what I can only call luck.

As always, I need you to know I appreciate it every time you click on my article. I'm even more grateful for your going further to complete reading it, comment, upvote, subscribe or sponsor me. I really do appreciate these amazing show of support. God bless you all

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Written by
2 years ago


Although I don't follow football much seems your say day got wasted haha

$ 0.00
2 years ago

In a way, it was

$ 0.00
2 years ago

It wasn't what I expected from the Chelsea match too cos I expect us to win but they failed. We really need to work on our players as a whole, I slept off after the first half cos it wasn't interesting to me again. Nigeria match made my day

$ 0.00
2 years ago

Asin... The quality of football from Chelsea these days is depressing... Nigeria might have won, but you and both know it's because the Sudanese were really bad. Tactically and otherwise, Super Eagles aren't ready to win this tournament

$ 0.00
2 years ago