Have You Ever (Part One)

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Written by
2 years ago

Skipped A Class

Since my childhood days, I've always been one of the most intelligent student in any classroom i find myself and have always been treated as such. I've also always been a bookworm. When you combine these, you can easily make a guess what the answer to this one would be. Up until my university days, this would be a capital NO.

It's not like I'm now less intelligent or I've become a bad boy, but the university system in Nigeria doesn't really have a check, punish or reward system to this and some lecturers are very good at never showing up to class when they ought to. This actually discourages students sometimes from coming to class. The unserious ones,would use that time to go do other stuffs, while the serious ones like myself would use the time to study, either at home or the library. So, to give an honest answer, I have skipped classes, not that I'm saying you should. You don't get a medal or certificate for that😂.

Got Sent Out Of A Class

I'm a very good guy and an even better student. So, you would think the likelihood of this happening to me is quite slim and you would be very correct, cause I've never once been sent out of a class. Overall, I've hardly faced any disciplinary actions in school as I'm the model student that every teacher easily identifies. There are a few times though I've been caught in a confusing situation. There was this one time I was asked to stand up for some in class for disturbance, but in reality, I wasn't really disturbing, I was just trying to explain a thing or two,to my seat mates as discreetly as I could, turned out to not be discreet enough.

Cheated In An Exam

Okay, I'll let you take this one. Yea, you're right, I've never cheated in an exam. I might not be the most principled person on earth, but there are some things that I just consider a no-no. Having always been an intelligent and hardworking student, I've never had the need to cheat in an exam as I'm almost always ready for the exams. The first time I failed an exam of consequence in my life was because I refused to cheat in an exam. Don't get it wrong, it's not like I didn't know what to write, I did, but the school was helping the students with the entrance exam to secondary school, to the extent of publicly writing the answers on the board. I refused to even look up and kept working on my own.

My seat mate kind of rattled me out and the teacher who wrote the answers on the board was forcing me to use I and I refused. He punished me by taking away my papers for more than thirty minutes. By the time he gave it back, the exam was almost up and I was in panic mode. I tried the best I could to answer as much as I could in that time frame, but it just wasn't enough. I ended up failing that exam, but everyone who used the help failed too and the school was fined and prohibited from participating in the exam; talk about comic justice.

Thanks for finding time to visit my article as always. I really appreciate you guys.

$ 0.69
$ 0.59 from @TheRandomRewarder
$ 0.05 from @Olasquare
$ 0.03 from @GarrethGrey07
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Written by
2 years ago


You seems to be very noble person (student). But it's true people really have to skip classes in universities.

$ 0.02
2 years ago

I like to think i am... Thanks

$ 0.00
2 years ago

I congratulate you for your high moral values. From the way you write and the way you transfer your thoughts into words, I have noticed that you are an intelligent person. I was alarmed by your last narrative about the teacher who took away your test to force you to cheat... what a lack of professional ethics! What a lack of professional ethics. I was really surprised... interesting everything I read, I liked it.

$ 0.06
2 years ago

Thanks for the compliments. I was quite disappointed in him too. I appreciate you always stopping by

$ 0.00
2 years ago