Einstein's thoughts on money and Bitcoin?

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Avatar for Talha0007
3 years ago

What does E=mc2 mean when it comes to money?


I’ll get to Einstein’s thought on this in one second, but first, listen to what Lyn Alden said,


I promise the money is like the Phoenix. A new money will rise from the ashes.


A new money…


Now listen to what Einstein said and I’ll explain how it relates to money,


"Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared."


The only reason light moves at the speed it does is because it has no mass.


So, what does E=mc2 mean regarding money?

Gold has mass. Dollars are already becoming useless and dying.

Mass slows things down.


And as Lyn says, “a new money will rise from the ashes.” Which when you combine with Einstein’s, it will be faster with no mass…


Leads me to believe…


Bitcoin and cyber currencies are rising out of the death of the dollar and moving faster and faster because they are money without mass.

Think about this. 


If Bitcoin is moving at the speed of light: E=mc2 …how fast are you moving?

Are old ideas about money slowing you down?
Your answer will be appreciated.

$ 0.00
