Rocks and Stones | Hiking

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Avatar for Tahastories
2 months ago
Topics: Hiking, Hills, Mountain, Trip, Tour, ...

I was picking the stones and piled them up, it was the first thing which i did. Stones were struggling in between balance and imbalance. It is difficult to keep all of them in balanced position. It was fun to try this dreamy hack.

I have seen many instagram reels, YouTube and facebook shorts about stone balancing. I always fantasized that whenever i will go to some hilly place i would definitely try out this hack. I visited many hilly places full of rocks and stones but always forgot. But, this time i was already eager and reminded that i will try this out. I did it and enjoyed it.

I was piling up stones while recording my time lapse in mobile phone. I am recording all my days so that when i will no longer be in recent days then i will see all these recorded things and will smile.

I was not properly told by my friends that we were going to explore hills and village beauty. I was merely told "to go with them". That's why i was in normal, informal and haphazard night dress.

These kind of unplanned trips are more than fun and unpredictable. Fresh air and tranquility of environment is perfect for mediation.

I ran toward brown background for picture. Anfal, who is one of my friends, was capturing my photos. In return, i was capturing his photos. He is social media person who shares his photos on Instagram and Facebook, while i am readcasher who shares photos and locations in blogs. Still, we both are fond of capturing photos and being captured in photos.

Well, when we were done with capturing photos on one turn of the road in the hills then we dwelled into "talk". We were planning to go "Faisal Masjid" for iftar but then we postponed this plan and went further to explore more.

There is a stream in the village which is known as "Ramli Stream". A rocky path connects village with road. We sat on the rock. Water was flowing and touching all these stones and rocks. People, not more, were walking through the stream and they were carrying some stuff on their back.

Water was clear but not clean. It was filled with green algae and weeds were around it. Some wild weeds were growing over there. Rocks and stones were of different natural colors. I assume it's because of natural flora. Well, i am not that much fast in science.

With my narrowed eyes my face looks like an attitude face. Cameraman was saying to "spread a smile over my face" but i was saying "no, i will look good without having a scripted smile".

Eyeing around.... Greenery prevails. Everything was full of youthfulness and spring. I wanted to be always there. I would walk, explore and i am sure i will be tired but after rest i will get up again.

Hiked up to have ariel views of hills and of village. I was very much careful while hiking up because i was carrying mobile in my hand also i was capturing some photographs. I was about to fall but then i gripped my hands on bush. I was secured.

Irregular path lead us to the top of hill. It was like stairs but these stairs were out of smooth patterns and a little tricky too.

We sat on the top and three of us were all quiet for that space of time. Actually we were feeling the vibe. A car was going through the road, a motorcycle was stopped with a couple, a car was parked in the green patch, an old man was running behind his goats, two children were washing hands in water and many other things.

I love those vintage cars in this city. Sadly, i haven't captured them in today's blog but soon you will see them in other blogs. From top, the most common thing which i was noticing was car.

We hiked down and kicked our motorcycle.

Then we parked our motorcycle in parking area of central library of university which is resting spot for us. As we came back to university then we decided to take a stroll in university too.

Pink flowers... A gentle reminder of spring to every walker and passerby. From little distance i saw these beautiful flowers and i walked near to it. I could not stop myself to capture photos.

We ended our little trip and enjoyment with this selfie. Although, enjoyment went longer and all moments aren't captured in camera.

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Avatar for Tahastories
2 months ago
Topics: Hiking, Hills, Mountain, Trip, Tour, ...


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