Wonderful boy, electrical engineer at the age of 9!

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In the case of human beings, the word is used to mean a wonderful person with special qualities or talents. One such wonder boy from Belgium has stunned the world by graduating in electrical engineering at just 9 years old.

The name of this wonder boy is Laurent Simmons. Laurent was awarded the degree by the world's foremost Eindofen University of Technology (TUE) in the Netherlands.

At present, Laurent is preparing to do PhD from the electrical department of this educational institution. However, he is willing to study medicine before that. At the same time, his sharp talent and expertise in the two opposing issues have caught the attention of the international media.

Her father, Alexander Simmons, spoke about Laurent's talent in a recent interview with CNN. They have objections to bringing Lorente in front of the media. Later, due to the reporter's excessive interest, they agreed to a brief interview with the child.

Laurent told CNN he can master anything very easily. It feels good to study new things. Although he studied electrical engineering, he has a desire to learn medicine for some time.

Asked about Laurent's hobbies, he said he was interested in research into artificial limbs in the future.

"There is no doubt that Laurent is an impossibly talented person," said Sujard Halshoff, a professor and researcher at TUE. I am amazed at his innovative thinking and keen talent. The research report with which he has graduated, many people may not get such good results in the first attempt.

Laurent's mother, Lydia Simmons, said her grandfather noticed Laurent's talent at a very young age. He could learn anything very quickly after learning to speak. They were really worried about this.

"Several years ago, Laurent began to discuss and observe in detail many of the things we did not know about," said Father Alexander. Seeing his condition, we took refuge in the doctor for fear. Later I realized that he was actually a prodigy.

Laurent's parents said they never tried to stress him out. He loves to play like other children, except for the fact that he has mastered everything quickly. He stays busy all day with his favorite puppy. Loves to eat chocolate and ice cream. Laurent loves to travel to new places as well. He is scheduled to visit Japan in a few days. Laurent Simmons wants to concentrate on his studies again after spending his vacation there.

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