Good news for followers of Islamic ideology.

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Avatar for Taanish454
3 years ago

Allah has given man freedom of action. Has given conscience-intellect to perform right action. Again, in the previous verse, in a threatening tone, he said, "Allah is not inattentive to your deeds." That is, Allah is Aware of your every deed. In this verse, Allaah warns that He will give full recompense to everyone for their deeds. Regarding the reckoning of each deed, Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): They are no more today. All they earned was for themselves. And whatever you earn is for you. You will not be questioned about their deeds. '(Surat al-Baqara: verse 141) After the threat of the previous verse, Allah says, Now if you do not follow in their footsteps, then you have no respect in the sight of Allah, even though you are their descendants. And they will not have to bear the burden of your evil deeds. When you deny one prophet, it is the same as denying all the prophets. Especially you are denying the last and greatest prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) even though you lived in his time! But he is the leader of all the prophets. Who has been sent as a prophet as a mercy to all human beings and monsters. It has been made obligatory on everyone to accept his message. Finally ... those who claim to be followers of the previous prophets by excluding the Prophet, while opposing the message of the Prophet by concealing the message left by them. They are the losers. The Muslim Ummah so that they do not fall into this deception and deception. Therefore, in this verse, Muhammad has been warned in the Ummah along with threatening the harmed polytheists. May Allah grant the Muslim Ummah the Tawfiq to live according to the Qur'an and Sunnah. Give tawfiq to present the correct ideology and beauty of Islam to the people. Amen.

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Thank you.

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3 years ago

Interesting article.May Allah bless you.

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3 years ago