Forgive Me My Soul

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2 weeks ago

I swallow, yet it feels like a lump is stuck in my throat. I can't swallow the truth she told me. I hoped this time would be different, and I would feel light. I should have learned to endure this by now, but this time it hurt so much, it hurt like a beast.

My eyes filled with tears—my heart truly aches, but my soul still holds on, despite hoping this time it wouldn't hurt. But it did, soul, I'm sorry. I can't change the fact that it hurts you. And as for this lesson, forget it, or it will hurt again. Someday, you will escape this inner hell you've been living in for years, in darkness.

Forgive me, soul. I can't change the pain that overtook you. It can't stop now—I still have a debt to karma. Forgive me for being cruel when I shouldn't have been, and now you're the one paying the price. I know darkness still reigns in you, that a fire burns inside, but forget, soul, forget. Otherwise, the pain will return, the tears will flow, and this time it will be harder to bring you back into the light.

One day, perhaps, you will escape from my inner hell. You shouldn't suffer—not again. You've been in the dark for too long, but one day you'll feel what led you into the cage of the night.

**Author: Tsvetislav Vasilev**

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