Bitcoin Cash Argentina remodeled its site and looks awesome, come and see

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Avatar for TEDnica
1 year ago

Bitcoin Cash Argentina ( ) is an open community of users and merchants that promote the use of Bitcoin Cash as a currency of exchange in and around Argentina.

In addition to the website, Bitcoin Cash Argentina is present in the most popular social networks, promoting adoption and answering the questions of users and merchants.

They have designed an amazing starter guide with simple and concise explanations of how to use the wallet for first time users.

There are Infographics explaining the benefits of a private and decentralized currency.

It has an integrated map to find the businesses that are already accepting Bitcoin Cash and a form to register new merchants.

And as always they have shown thanks to friends and sponsors.

Congratulations Bitcoin Cash Argentina team

for your great work in adopting the good currency !!!

$ 0.00
Avatar for TEDnica
1 year ago
